The purpose of this package is to add to the RooFit package to allow analysis of hadronic physics scattering reactions.
The main feature is a PDF class (RooHSEventsPDF) that allows calculation of normalisation integrals from Monte Carlo detector simulations which allow the acceptance of detector systems to be corrected for when extracting obervables.
In addition the (RooComponentsPDF) class provides caching of these integrals for fast evaluation when the PDF is a sum of products
A1(x_1)*B1(p_1) + A2(x_2)*B2(p_2) + ....
where x_i are measured variables and p_i are the parameters of interest. For example
C*cos(2*phi) + D*sin(2*phi)
A1 = cos(2*phi); x_1 = phi; p_1 = C; A2=sin(2*phi); x_2=phi; p_2=D
The idea is that more complex fits should not require more complex code and there are components for splitting data (e.g into energy bins); running similar fits in parallel via PROOF or a batch farm, which require minimal extra code.
Weights can be used in the fits and can be created using the RooStats sPlot class.
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo implementation based on Metropolis Hastings is implemented and can provide robust (although not optimal) minimisation on fits theat minuit may struggle to find a global minimum.
ROOT with RooFit, Proof, Mathmore (if using Legendre polynomials). Currently tested on 6.20, ...6.14 know to fail.
git clone
cd brufit
setenv BRUFIT /path/to/here (or setenv BRUFIT $PWD)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install
Note to install the pcm file you may have to run the last two steps again. You can check if $BRUFIT/lib/libbrufit_rdict.pcm exists.
cmake ../
make install
alias brufit root $BRUFIT/macros/LoadBru.C
Data should be in the form of a ROOT TTree with branches that are usually double but can be int for categories, e.g. a polarisation state. If you are using weights and need an event ID branch this should also be made double so it can be read into RooFit dataset.
> brufit
root [1] FitManager fm
root [2] fm.SetUp().SetOutDir("out/"); //Put results files in out/
root [3] fm.SetUp().LoadVariable("phi[-3.1416,3.1416]"); //phi is a variable in the data tree
root [4] fm.SetUp().FactoryPDF("EXPR::amplitude('1+A[0,-1,1]*cos(2*phi)',phi,A)"); //Fit a cos2phi distribution
root [5] fm.SetUp().LoadSpeciesPDF("amplitude");//add to the total fit PDF
root [6] fm.LoadData("treeName","fileName.root"); //set data (ROOT tree)
root [7] Here::Go(&fm); //run the fit
get the files
cp -r $BRUFIT/tutorials/sPlotSimple .
cd sPlotSimple
start a notebook. Note the tutorials are written in python3 kernels.
root --notebook or jupyter-notebook
And open sPlotSimple.ipynb
You can also try the sPlotSimpleBins for an example of splitting the data into energy bins before making several fits.
First make some data
root 'Model1.C( "Data.root" )'
brufit FitHSSimple.C
brufit FitHSSimpleBins.C
cp -r $BRUFIT/tutorials/WeightedObservable .
cd WeightedObservable
start a notebook. Note the tutorials are written in python3 kernels.
root --notebook or jupyter-notebook
And open sPlot.ipynb
Once you have found weights you can perform the weighted fit from FitWithEventsPDF.ipynb
You can also try using simulated data to give your sPlot Signal shape in sPlotWithSimulatedPDF.ipynb. And then try these weights in FitWithEventsPDF
Finally you can try splitting the Fit into Eg bins, running seperately on PROOF then plotting the result parameters as a function of Eg with FitWithComponentsPDFAndSplitBins.ipynb.
A faster more optimised method using RooComponentsPDF is given in FitWithComponentsPDF.ipynb
See the README in tutorials/WeightedObservable