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Container support

DeWayne Filppi edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 30 revisions

A Guide To Cloudify Docker Container Support


Cloudify supports integrations with Docker and Docker-based container managers, including Docker, Docker Swarm, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Apache Mesos. Cloudify can both manage container infrastructure, and/or orchestrate the services that run on container platforms. When orchestrating container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos), Cloudify provides infrastructure management capabilities such as installation, auto healing and scaling. When orchestrating services on these platforms, Cloudify integrates seamlessly with native descriptors to not only support container cluster service deployment, but also to enable orchestrations that encompass systems beyond the edges of the container cluster.

Infrastructure Orchestration

Cloudify can be used to create, heal, scale, and tear down container clusters. This capability is key in providing a scalable and highly available infrastructure on which container managers can run.

Cloudify can also orchestrate related infrastructure on bare metal, virtualized, and cloud platforms. This can include networking and storage infrastructure, both virtual and physical.

Service Orchestration

Independently from the orchestration of infrastructure, Cloudify provides the ability to orchestrate heterogenous services across platforms. By leveraging the strength of TOSCA modeling, Cloudify can manage the instantiation and configuration of service chains regardless of the target platform. This ranges from containerized, to virtualized, to "bare metal" OS, to physical hardware.

Docker Plugin

The Docker plugin is a Cloudify plugin that defines a single type: cloudify.docker.Container. The plugin is compatible with Docker 1.0 (API version 1.12) and relies on the docker-py library. The plugin executes on a computer host that has Docker pre-installed.



  • image A dict describing a docker image. To import an image from a tarball use the src key. The value will be an absolute path or URL. If pulling an image from docker hub, do not use src. The key is repository. The value is that repository name. You may additionally specify the tag, if none is given, latest is assumed.
  • name The name of the Docker container. This will also be the host name in Docker host config.
  • use_external_resource Boolean indicating whether the container already exists or not.

The cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle interface is implemented, and supports the following function parameters

  • create inputs:
  • params A dict of parameters allowed by docker-py to the create_container function
  • start inputs:
  • params A dictionary of parameters allowed by docker-py to the start function
  • processes_to_wait_for A list of processes to verify are active on the container before completing the start operation. If all processes are not active the function will be retried.
  • retry_interval Before finishing start checks to see that all processes on the container a A dictionary of parameters allowed by docker-py to the stop ready. This is the interval between checks.
  • stop inputs:
  • params A dictionary of parameters allowed by docker-py to the stop function.
  • retry_interval If Exited is not in the container status, then the plugin will retry. This is the number of seconds between retries.
  • delete inputs:
  • params A dictionary of parameters allowed by docker-py to the remove_container function.

Docker Swarm Blueprint

The Docker Swarm blueprint creates and manages a Docker Swarm cluster on Openstack. There are 3 blueprints, with slightly different use cases:

  • swarm-local-blueprint.yaml : a cfy local blueprint that orchestrates setup and teardown of the cluster without a manager
  • swarm-openstack-blueprint.yaml : an Openstack blueprint that orchestrates setup and teardown of the cluster with a manager
  • swarm-scale-blueprint.yaml : an Openstack blueprint that orchestrates setup, teardown, autohealing, and autoscaling of the cluster


These blueprints have only been tested against an Ubuntu 14.04 image with 2GB of RAM. The image used must be pre-installed with Docker 1.12. Any image used should have passwordless ssh, and passwordless sudo with requiretty false or commented out in sudoers. Also required is an Openstack cloud environment. The blueprints were tested on Openstack Kilo.




The swarm-local blueprint is intended to be run using the cfy local CLI command. As such, no manager is necessary. The blueprint starts a two node Swarm cluster and related networking infrastructure in Openstack.

  • image The Openstack image id. This image will be used for both master and worker nodes. This image must be prepared with Docker 1.12, as well as support passwordless ssh, passwordless sudo, and passwordless sudo over ssh. Only Ubuntu 14.04 images have been tested.
  • flavor The Openstack flavor id. This flavor will be used for both master and worker nodes. 2 GB RAM flavors and 20 GB disk are adequate. Flavor size will vary based on application needs.
  • ssh_user This blueprint uses the Fabric plugin and so requires ssh credentials.
  • ssh_keyname The Openstack ssh key to attach to the compute nodes (both master and worker).
  • ssh_keyfile This blueprint uses the Fabric plugin and so requires ssh credentials.
Other Configuration

The blueprint contains a dsl_definitions block to specify the Openstack credentials:

  • username The Openstack user name
  • password The Openstack password
  • tenant_name The Openstack tenant
  • auth_url The Openstack Keystone URL



The swarm-openstack-blueprint.yaml is a Cloudify manager hosted blueprint that starts a Swarm cluster and related networking infrastucture.

  • image The Openstack image id. This image will be used for both master and worker nodes. This image must be prepared with Docker 1.12, as well as support passwordless ssh, passwordless sudo, and passwordless sudo over ssh. Only Ubuntu 14.04 images have been tested.
  • flavor The Openstack flavor id. This flavor will be used for both master and worker nodes. 2 GB RAM flavors and 20 GB disk are adequate. Flavor size will vary based on application needs.
  • ssh_user This blueprint uses the Fabric plugin and so requires ssh credentials.
  • agent_user The user for the image.
  • swarm-info which is a dict with two keys:
  • manager_ip the public IP address allocated to the Swarm manager
  • manager_port the port the manager listens on



The swarm-scale-blueprint.yaml is a Cloudify manager hosted blueprint that starts a Swarm cluster and related networking infrastucture. It installs metrics collectors on worker nodes, and defines scaling and healing groups for cluster high availability.

  • image The Openstack image id. This image will be used for both master and worker nodes. This image must be prepared with Docker 1.12, as well as support passwordless ssh, passwordless sudo, and passwordless sudo over ssh. Only Ubuntu 14.04 images have been tested.
  • flavor The Openstack flavor id. This flavor will be used for both master and worker nodes. 2 GB RAM flavors and 20 GB disk are adequate. Flavor size will vary based on application needs.
  • ssh_user This blueprint uses the Fabric plugin and so requires ssh credentials.
  • agent_user The user for the image.
  • swarm-info which is a dict with two keys:
  • manager_ip the public IP address allocated to the Swarm manager
  • manager_port the port the manager listens on

Docker Swarm Plugin

The Docker Swarm Plugin provides support for deploying services onto Docker Swarm clusters, as well as support for Docker Compose.




A type that represents a Swarm manager not managed by Cloudify. If a Cloudify managed manager is used, the Cloudify proxy plugin should be used instead.

  • ip The IPV4 address of the Swarm manager
  • port The port the manager REST API is listening on (default 2375)
  • ssh_user An ssh user for operations that require ssh (Docker Compose)
  • ssh_keyfile An ssh private key for operations that require ssh (Docker Compose)



The cloudify.swarm.Microservice type represents a Docker Swarm service. It can be configured to use TOSCA-style properties or point to an external Swarm yaml descriptor. Note that the source project has an example of usage.

  • compose_file The path to a Docker compose descriptor file. If set, all other properties are ignored.
  • all other properties are translated into the Docker REST service create API call. Properties in the blueprint are encoded with underscores between words (e.g. log_driver) and converted internally to the REST API body camel case (e.g. LogDriver). See comments in the plugin.yaml for an extensive example.
  • cloudify.swarm.relationships.microservice_contained_in_manager This relationship connects a Microservice to a manager. The implementation allows the target to be either a cloudify.swarm.Manager type or a cloudify.nodes.DeploymentProxy type.

Kubernetes Cluster Blueprint

The Kubernetes Cluster Blueprint creates and manages a Kubernetes cluster on Openstack and Amazon EC2. It uses the containerized version of Kubernetes to create the cluster. It also installs the Kubernetes dashboard and the kubectl utility on the master. By default, the blueprint is configured to install on AWS. To switch to Openstack, edit the blueprint file and comment out the line - imports/aws/blueprint.yaml. Then uncomment the line below.

Inputs (Common)

  • your_kubernetes_version The version of Kubernetes to use. Default = 1.2.1.
  • your_etcd_version The version of Etcd to use. Default = 2.2.1.
  • your_flannel_version The version of Flannel to use. Default = 0.5.5
  • flannel_interface The interface to bind flannel to. Default = eth0
  • flannel_ipmasq_flag Whether to flannel should use IP Masquerading. Default = true

Inputs (AWS)

  • aws_access_key_id The AWS access key
  • aws_secret_access_key The AWS secret key
  • ec2_region_name The EC2 region name. Default = us-east-1
  • ec2_region_endpoint The EC2 region. Default =

Inputs (Openstack)

  • keystone_username Openstack user name
  • 'keystone_password` Openstack password
  • keystone_tenant_name Openstack tenant
  • keystone_url Openstack authentication URL
  • region Openstack region (optional)
  • nova_url Openstack Nova compute API URL (optional)
  • neutron_url Openstack Neutron network API URL (optional)
  • openstack_management_network_name The Cloudify management network name (optional)



  • A single output Kubernetes_Dashboard with a dict value with a single key url. URL uses the floating IP allocated to point to the Kubernetes dashboard.


  • A single output kubernetes_info with a dict value with a single key url. URL uses the floating IP allocated to point to the Kubernetes dashboard.

Other Configuration

To tweak the scaling behavior, the groups are defined in the individual cloud specific imports for AWS and Openstack. Both sub-blueprints refer to a custom scaling policy type. The type definition documents how the scaling parameters can be tweaked for desired effects. The heal group uses the built in host failure policy which is triggered by named metrics expiring (60 seconds).

Kubernetes Plugin

The Kubernetes Plugin provides support for deploying services on Kubernetes clusters.







The cloudify.kubernetes.MicroService type deploys and undeploys Kubernetes services to a Kubernetes cluster. It provides options for specifying service configuration with TOSCA properties and embedded or external native Kubernetes service descriptors.

Properties (non-native definition)
  • name service name
  • image image name
  • port service listening port
  • target_port container port (default:port)
  • protocol TCP/UDP (default TCP)
  • replicas number of replicas (default 1)
  • run_overrides json overrides for kubectl "run"
  • expose_overrides json overrides for kubectl "expose"
Properties (embedded native)
  • config a dict whose children can be native Kubernetes descriptor YAML
Properties (external native)
  • config_files a dict with keys
  • file a Kubernetes descriptor file (e.g. pod.yaml)
  • overrides a list of substitutions to perform on the pod.yaml file (see below).

Override Syntax

When configuring with external files, the files require no change to be used with Cloudify, but can be modified by means of "overrides", which can insert blueprint values dynamically. The target file is parsed into a Python datastructure (dict of dicts and lists). To understand how the substitutions work, consider this pod.yaml snippet:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: nodecellar
  replicas: 2

Now imagine I wish for some reason to change the number of replicas to 3. The "overrides" line in the blueprint would look like this:


Internally, the plugin simply evaluates this statement on the parsed data structure. After all substitutions are done, a new pod.yaml is written to perform the actual deployment on the master node via kubectl. The value type of the substitution line is a string, so standard intrinsics like concat and get_property can be used to insert properties from elsewhere in blueprints.

Special Substitution Syntax

Sometimes it is desirable to inject runtime properties or information from the cloudify context. To enable this, the plugin implements a special syntax.

Runtime Properties @{}

To insert runtime properties as values of substitutions, use the @{} syntax. It takes two arguments; a node name and a property name. For example, if I need to inject a dynamically discovered port from another node, you could use something like [some][path]=@{target_node,discovered_port}.

Cloudify Context %{}

To insert values from the cloudify context, use the %{} syntax. It takes a single argument; a path in the Cloudify node context object. For example, to insert the node id of the service, you could use something like [some][path]=${}. This is equivalent to evaluating in plugin code.

Mesos Blueprint

The Mesos blueprint creates and manages Mesos clusters on Openstack. It is a Cloudify manager hosted blueprint that starts a Mesos cluster and related networking infrastructure. It installs metrics collectors on slave nodes, and defines scaling and healing groups for cluster high availability.

Image Preparation

The Mesos blueprint includes a secondary blueprint to aid in the creation of Cloudify compatible images on Openstack. The image preparation blueprint is located in the util directory. In the util/imports/openstack/blueprint.yaml, fill in the inputs and Openstack configuration. When done, run the script. When complete, save a snapshot of the created image and use it as a base image for the Mesos blueprint. For more details, see the README.

Mesos Blueprint Operation


  • image The Openstack image id. Ideally this image is created by the Image Creation process described previously. If not, the image must be an Ubuntu 14.04 OS prepared to allow passwordless ssh, passwordless sudo, passwordless sudo over ssh, Docker, and Mesos installed. You can also run the image creation script manually to prepare the image.
  • flavor The Openstack flavor id. This flavor will be used for all instances. 2 GB RAM flavors and 20 GB disk are adequate. Flavor size will vary based on application needs.
  • agent_user The user for the image. Should be 'ubuntu'.


  • mesos_ip The public IP of the master server
  • mesos_ui The URL of the Mesos dashboard
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