A sample idea on how to make a attendance system with the use of Arduino and RFID module. This sends data through serial connection then by received by a Python script listening on the serial port with the corresponding baud rate.
Install Python from its official site then install the requirements.txt with pip
Install Arduino IDE and add the libraries found on the libraries.txt
- MFRC522
- SDA -> 10
- SCK -> 13
- MOSI -> 11
- MISO -> 12
- GND -> GND
- RST -> 9
- 3.3V -> 3.3V
Open the Arduino sketch inside the ino folder, plug the Arduino board to computer and upload the sketch to the Arduino board.
Then, run the Python script using Command Prompt with command: python attendance.py
Note: Make sure that the command prompt instance is running on the correct or same directory of the Python script.