Curriculum for Unruly's dev school - based on the awesome
To Get Started Helping:
- Get set up with Chrome on Windows (which is what I figure everybody'll have)
- Try the course and see if they make sense!
- Make yourself an admin via our work account, but please commit as you so we know who did what :)
- Tell vikki or fix stuff as you see fit!
Stuff To Change In This Version:
remove the Deutsch bits, as we can't maintain them and it'll get out of sync
remove references to days because ours will be ongoing
move sections into separate pages
add feedback / form
put the cheat sheet link on EVERY Page, visible ALL THE TIME!
add pop out cheat sheet link
add a little table of contents, with stars for when people have done bits - progress :D
can't see console in sandbox, would be awesome-sauce to make it visible
to absolutely go to town, add a help button, which chats to any admins signed in (this is not exactly trivial but web sockets are cool, and we can mess about with this later)