devshashtag.github.io Public
DevsHashtag's Portfolio
frontend-mini Public
frontend mini-projects
planner Public
effortlessly create, organize, and prioritize tasks to stay on track and achieve your goals
sheypoor-post-collector Public
gathering publicly available Sheypoor posts in JSON format
botostart Public
a clean and responsive website template inspired by botostart.ir (older version) for online learning platforms
luxury-hotels Public
A responsive template for hotel websites
job-search Public
a responsive template for job listings websites
reactapp Public
a responsive website template inspired by reactapp.ir for online learning platforms
snake Public
a classic snake game that using hamiltonian cycle algorithm for snake movement
archer Public
a simple script that helps you to automating archlinux installation
TorBridge Public
a simple script for getting tor bridge from : https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges
backupcli Public
a simple script for backup files and directories
generate photo profile clock each minute
BinaryisLand Public
Finding large island in Binary Map
clidis Public
Forked from malijani/clidiscommand line display manager