This is the Backend application of the Covid-19 Project for DR Congo, a project initiated and supported by Congolese developers community around the world to help with the fight against coronavirus.
The Github reposiroty for the Client or frontend App is at:
The Web App is fully open-source and based on Symfony 4 PHP framework (backend) and Angular (frontend)
- Dashboard: providing a Case management overview (Data provided by the DRC Ministry of Health)
- Alerts module
- Notification subscriptions module
- News module
- Fork the repo on your github
- Clone your forked repo
- Add or choose an issue at
- Do not change a feature or function that is not relevant to your issue.
- Make your changes
- Commit fast, Commit often , keep it optional
- Commit with A Clear message eg:
git commit -m "[New][update][Fix] function or issue number"
- Push your changes on your forked repo
git push your_remote your_branch
- Make a pull request to the original repo
- If a conflict occurs when you ask Git to merge your code, try to resolve it with a new commit, if the conflict persists, please contact Samy Mwamba or Bernard Ngandu
#Software requirements PHP Version 7.4 | Mysql 5.5 and newer| Composer
$ composer install
## database setup create .env.local conforming with .env
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
##run app
$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public