My project description
The template is using ESLint for VueJS.
By default, auto formatting is enabled on save.
You can run prettier formatting, but ensure eslint for VueJS is re-apply after.
To add any new langage:
- Add new languages in JSON format to
directory - Complete 'languages' & 'countries_info' variables in
(see vue-i18n for more documentation)
(see vue-country-flag-next for country flags)
npm install
npm run dev
# OR
# Dev server (vite)
docker build -t <image>:<tag> -f Dockerfile.dev .
docker run --name vuejs_template -p 5173:5173 <image>:<tag>
# Prod server (nginx)
docker build -t <image>:<tag> -f Dockerfile.prod .
docker run --name vuejs_template -p <host_port>:8080 <image>:<tag> # Port forward to nginx
npm run test:unit
npm run type-check
⚠️ The main.tf file is build from the information passed to cookiecutter. Ensure you answered correctly to all answers or the file won't run
# Before running this, replace in main.tf the <API_URL> with the URL of your deployed frontend, or remove the variable
cd vuejs_template
terraform init
terraform apply
The main.tf file will deploy:
- The Cloud Run service
- The Secret Manager filled with version
Since we don't know the URL of Cloud Run services, add manually secret version with .env content.
Use .github/workflows/lint.yaml by enabling Github Actions API in your repository
This will run linting for every Pull Request on develop, uat and main branches
.cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml is used automatically to deploy to Cloud Run according to your Cloud Build trigger configuration
Create a Cloud Build trigger from GCP:
- Specify the cloudbuild.yaml path
- Give repository access to Cloud Build
- Cloud Build Service Account has Cloud Run Admin role
- Cloud Build Service Account has Secret Manager Secret Accessor role
Digital Lab