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Based on the Broadband Forum IEEE 1905.1/1a stack


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meshComms is an open source implementation of IEEE 1905.1a that is an output of the Broadband Forum Open Broadband - Multi Access Point (OB-MAP) project. For an overview and information on contributing to the OB-MAP project, please see the github Wiki page for the meshComms repository.


  1. What is this?

  2. Who will find this source code useful?

  3. Legal stuff

  4. What is the IEEE 1905 standard?

    1. IEEE 1905 overview
    2. IEEE 1905 components
    3. Limitations in the IEEE 1905 standard
      1. ALMEs are undefined
      2. Control CMDUs
      3. Unknown destination AL MAC address
  5. Build instructions

    1. Linux native compilation
    2. Linux cross compilation
  6. Usage instructions on Linux platforms

    1. Abstraction Layer Entity
    2. High Level Entity
    3. Libraries
  7. Hacking

    1. Source code organization
      1. Files structure
      2. Code overview
        1. Common component
        2. Factory component
        3. AL component
        4. HLE component
    2. Porting to new platforms
    3. Protocol extensions
      1. Files structure
      2. Register a group
      3. Code overview
        1. TLVs
        2. Callbacks
          1. CMDU extension
          2. Datamodel extension
  8. Testing

    1. Unit tests
    2. Static code analysis
    3. Runtime analysis
    4. Black box tests
      1. Push button configuration
        1. Scenario 1
        2. Scenario 2
        3. Scenario 3
      2. Access Point security settings cloning
        1. TC001
        2. TC002
        3. TC003
        4. TC004
        5. TC005
  9. TODO

  10. Appendix A: OpenWRT tool chain and flash image generation

  11. Appendix B: Installing "minGW"

What is this?

This is a source code repository containing a 100% (or that's what I like to think) IEEE 1905 compliant implementation. It covers both the original 1905 specification as well as the 1905.1a amendment.

If you don't know what the IEEE 1905 standard is all about, I have written a small overview in a later section of this same document.

This implementation has been designed to make it as easy as possible to port it to any platform: all you have to do is provide a dozen or so of functions on which the code depends (such as functions to allocate memory or obtain information regarding a network interface).

In addition to this "easy to port code", all the "platform-specific" functions for the Linux platform are also provided. This means you can now checkout the source code from this repository and make it work right away on almost any Linux distro with minor or no modifications.

So, to make it clear, what you will find in this repository is:

  1. A 1905 implementation that is completely independent from other libraries and, in fact, only needs a handful of additional platform specific functions to run.

  2. That "handful" of additional functions already implemented for the particular case of a standard Linux platform.

Who will find this source code useful?

As of today, I guess the target audience for this repository are developers working on an embedded router who have been assigned the task to "implement" the IEEE 1905 standard because the marketing department foresaw it was a "killer feature".

Right now there doesn't seem to be any other open IEEE 1905 implementation, however there are devices out there which say they are IEEE 1905 compatible.

If you are just about to start yet another closed implementation, I urge you to consider the possibility of contributing to this repository instead. After all, the best way to push a standard forward is to make it easy for everyone to adopt it, right?

In addition, there is another reason to contribute: the IEEE 1905 is not exactly the most refined standard in the world. It contains several holes open to interpretation and some other items that are... well... "strange" at least. Having a common open implementation is useful to "quickly" agree on some of these issues so that the IEEE can later come up to speed (updating a standard is a slow process and pushing from below, from the technical side, is always a good idea).

In the future, maybe this repository will be used to create Linux distro packages than can be automatically installed with a single call to "yum/aptitude/pacman/...".

Legal stuff

This software is covered by the license contained in the "LICENSE" file. Also see the further information contained in the "PROJECT" file (both files are in the same folder as this "").

What is the IEEE 1905 standard?

Even if you think you know what IEEE 1905 is, you should read the next sections.

IEEE 1905 overview

Basically, the idea behind IEEE 1905 is to have a mechanism that lets home devices discover each other and communicate. The purpose? Use optimal paths for data transmission.

For example, let's say we have an ADSL home router with a power line and a WIFI interface. At the other end of the house there is another power line device connected to a computer like this:

    ADSL   --------       WIFI              ----
  =========|Router| ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) |PC|
           --------                         ----
              *                              |
              *                              | Ethernet
              *                              |
              *        Power line         --------------
              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | power line |
                                          | adapter    |

If the computer tries to access the Internet... what interface should it use? The Ethernet interface connected to the power line adapter or the WIFI interface?

Note that IEEE 1905 covers other types on interfaces too, such as Ethernet, coax, ...

IEEE 1905 helps devices decide: thanks to the information that travels inside 1905 messages each node in the network knows the network topology, the speed of each interface, if there are congestion problems at some point... etc, and then decides how to route traffic or even tells other devices how to route theirs.

So... IEEE 1905 is "kind of" the IEEE alternative to Microsoft's "Windows Rally" technology (which is what Windows uses to "draw" the network topology when you go to "network properties" and lets it diagnose problems such as "your router is not reachable" and things like that).

On this note, Microsoft offers an open source implementation of the "Windows Rally" stack (I ported it to one custom platform a few years ago)... but it seems like it never really took off or else I suspect the IEEE 1905 standard would probably not have been created... or maybe it would, who knows... At this point we just need to wait and see which one (if any) sticks.

But there is more: another (equally important) of IEEE 1905's main objectives is to make it easy to add new devices to an already secured network. This aspect of IEEE 1905 covers two scenarios:

  • One "standard" device, no matter its underlying technology (WIFI, power line, other...) can be added to an already encrypted network by pressing two buttons: one on the device to be added and another on any other device from the ones already authenticated (again, no matter its underlying technology). This is similar to today's WPS configuration mechanism (used to add new devices to a WIFI network), in fact IEEE 1905 triggers WPS behind your back for WIFI interfaces (and other mechanisms for other technologies).

  • One "WIFI access point" device (we are talking about WIFI here exclusively, at least in the current form of the standard) can "clone" the security settings of another (already configured and secured) one so that all "WIFI access points" on the network end up sharing the same SSID and password.

As you can see both of the previous points aim at making it easier for a home user to configure their devices: they just press a button and new devices are added and/or new access points are automatically configured.

The more devices on the network implement IEEE 1905, the more information will be available to decide routes and the easier the configuration of new devices will seem.

As of today (February 2016) the standard consists of two documents:

  1. The original "IEEE Std 1905.1-1023" document.

  2. The later "IEEE P1905.1a/D1, July 2014" update.

Unfortunately they are not freely available.

The source code contained in this repository implements all the functionality detailed in both of these documents.

IEEE 1905 components

What is an IEEE 1905 implementation made of? Well, there are two main components:

  1. The AL (Abstraction Layer) is the component in charge of running the core protocol. It controls a node's interfaces and uses them to send periodic broadcast discovery messages to notify other ALs (running in other devices) about its presence.

    Once one of these discovery messages is received from a neighbor, the AL entity starts sending a series of unicast packets to query for all types of additional information: "what interfaces do you have?", "of which type is each of them?", "which other neighbors are you aware of?", etc...

    Obviously, the AL is also the one in charge of processing queries and sending the appropriate response when required by other ALs.

    All messages sent/received between ALs are called "CMDUs" and depending on their type they encapsulate one or more specific "TLV" ("type-length-value") blobs. For example, the CMDU that is used to search for WIFI access points registrars includes a TLV that specifies which WIFI band (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz) the node performing the search supports (to filter unnecessary responses)

  2. The HLE (High Layer Entity), on the other hand, is the component that queries the AL (about all the information it has gathered using CMDUs) and then sends it control messages to modify its state (basically by creating/deleting new routing rules and/or changing the power state of one or more interfaces).

    These messages sent/received between one HLE and one AL are called "ALMEs" and, unfortunately, their bit structure or transport mechanism is not defined in the standard (only their content, in a more or less abstract way).

So... on one hand we have the ALs running on each node of the network, periodically querying their neighbors and building a private (to each node) database containing all types of information. This communication takes place by using level-2 Ethernet frames precisely defined in the IEEE 1905 standard.

  ----------              ----------       ---------- 
  | Node#1 |              | Node#2 |       | Node#3 |
  |--------|              |--------|       |--------|
  | AL#1   |              | AL#2   |       | AL#3   |
  ----------              ----------       ----------
      |                       |              |
         LEVEL-2      |
                  | AL#1   |  HLE#1|
                  |     Node#4     |

On the other hand we have one (or maybe more, but one should be enough) HLE(s) (running on any node, which might or might not also contain an AL) querying the ALs to build a "whole" network view and then, based on that, send control commands to the ALs whose routes/interfaces need to be modified to improve the network performance. The bit structure and transport mechanism for these messages is, unfortunately, left undefined in the standard.

  ----------              ----------       ---------- 
  | Node#1 |              | Node#2 |       | Node#3 |
  |--------|              |--------|       |--------|
  | AL#1   | <...         | AL#2   |       | AL#3   |
  ----------    : ?       ----------       ----------
      |         ............. |  ^           |   ^
      ----------------------:----:------------   :
         LEVEL-2      |     :    : ?             :
                  ------------------           ? :
                  | AL#1 <~|~ HLE#1|..............
                  |     Node#4     |

So, remember:

  • ALs gather network information using TLVs embedded inside CMDUs that travel in level-2 packets.

  • HLEs query and control ALs using ALMEs whose bit structure and transport mechanism are not defined.

  • ALs are "dummy". HLEs is where an "intelligent" entity lives: it sends control command depending on the information obtained by previous queries. Note that this "intelligence" is also not defined in the standard.

Limitations in the IEEE 1905 standard

When I started to implement the standard I (obviously) first read it many times, finding out some limitations. It is difficult to understand the purpose of some messages, a few features are introduced without enough context, use cases are not present, and so on ...

I bring up this for three reasons:

  1. To "comfort" other developers that are now where I was a month ago (at some point I thought I was stupid and reading words like these would definitely have helped)

  2. To bring some attention to this, hopping that IEEE members will work on this in the future.

  3. To introduce the next list of specific problems that affect the current implementation (found on this repository) in some way

From all the issues discovered, some of them are worth discussing as they somehow affected my implementation. Let's review them:

ALMEs are undefined

This is quite a limitation, because right now, with the information available in the standard, an HLE from one implementation won't be able to communicate with an AL from a different implementation.

Two things are missing:

  • The bit structure of ALME messages ("how big is each field?", "in which order do they appear?", ...).

  • The transport mechanism ("where is the ALME payload embedded?", "in level-2 or level-3 frames?", "if level-3, what type?", "how is authentication handled?", ...)

Regarding this "limitation" I have heard that the "unspoken consensus" among members of the IEEE group in charge of this standard is something like "yeah, well... use uPnP or something like that", but yet the actual bit structure remains undefined. I have also seen other closed implementations that encapsulate these ALME messages inside (I kid you not!) the level-2 CMDUs used by ALs, using a TLV reserved for "vendor extensions".

One of the strengths of having an open implementations (such as this one!) is that we can agree on (and implement!) a bit structure and transport channel for these ALME messages making interoperability possible and paving the way for future standard amendments.

More specifically, in this implementation you will find an arbitrary bit structure for ALMEs (which I have decided by myself... but I promise it makes sense) and, in addition, in the Linux port, a simple TCP (level-3) connection is used to transmit the payload.

In the future I would like to somehow authenticate that TCP channel so that only commands from an HLE running in the "network administrator owned node" are accepted.

Control CMDUs

The 1905 standard has both redundant messages and security issues.

Let me explain this in more detail.

The original 1905 standard does not have "control" CMDUs: all the CMDUs that existed did not affect a node's state, instead they were only used to "gather" information (which is a nice thing: ALs only gather information).

"Control" commands were delivered to nodes by using ALME messages instead of CMDUs, i.e. "control" commands can only be delivered from an HLE to an AL.

As we have previously said the transport mechanism for ALMEs is not defined but let's just assume they go inside an SSH tunnel or something like that (instead of inside an unencrypted unauthenticated L2 frame, as it is the case for CMDUs).

So far, so good.

However the "1a" update to the standard came next and it introduced a new TLV that contains a control command to switch on an off interfaces on a remote host.

This may be problematic: in effect this gives any node power to switch on/off interfaces of any other node just by being on the same encrypted network.

Think of this in the following way: when someone comes to your house and you give them your WIFI password, they gain access to your network (e.g. they can access the Internet) but they cannot switch on/off interfaces on the router (for that they would also need to know the router password). However, with a "control" CMDU, any device on the network automatically gains "administrator" privileges!

But the introduction of this new "control" CMDU is even more incomprehensible when you consider that the original 1905 already contained and ALME message to change an interface power mode. The HLE just needed to make use of this to directly send the desired command to a remote AL.

Because of all of this I really feel these control CMDUs (and all others that might be introduced in the future) should not be used.

That's why I have created a special compilation flag named "DO_NOT_ACCEPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_COMMANDS".

If you define that flag ("-DDO_NOT_ACCEPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_COMMANDS"), then these CMDUs will be ignored (as of today, that means only the "interface power change request" CMDU will be ignored). This has two effects:

  1. You will be more "secure"

  2. You won't be 100% compliant with the standard.

So it us up to you to decide what to do. Personally I would always set the flag.

Unknown destination AL MAC address

This is a minor problem, but I had to make a choice regarding how I dealt with this situation.

It turns out that, according to "Table 6.2" of the standard, all unicast CMDUs must be sent to the AL MAC address of the receiving 1905 entity. However, this AL MAC is not always known. For example:

  1. A new node is started. It sends a "topology discovery message".

  2. Another node receives this message and decides to query the new node by sending a "topology query message".

  3. The new node receives this query but because the topology query CMDU does not include an AL MAC TLV, there is no way for the new node to know to which AL MAC address the response should be sent to.

This happens because the new node has never received a "topology discovery" from any other node yet (remember that it has just entered the network).

There are two options here:

  1. Do not send the response until the AL MAC address of the destination is known (i.e.. wait for the destination node to send a "topology discovery" message).

  2. Send the response to the "src addr" field of the Ethernet frame containing the "topology query message".

In this implementation I have decided to issue a "WARNING" on STDOUT and then send the response using the Ethernet source address (i.e. option "2" from above)

Proposed standard improvement: If the standard said that "unicast CMDUs can be sent to either the AL MAC address or the interface MAC address" of the receiving 1905 entity, this problem would disappear.

Build instructions

Before detailing platform specific compilation procedures, let me list some platform independent compilation flags.

These are set in the make "Makefile" file. You can either comment or uncomment them depending on the desired runtime behavior:

  • DO_NOT_ACCEPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_COMMANDS: This flag is explained in the "Limitations in the IEEE 1905 standard" section of this same "". In short, when this flag is defined, if a "control" CMDU is received, it will be ignored. You become more "secure" but less "standard compliant". I personally like to define this flag.

  • SEND_EMPTY_TLVS: Some CMDU responses can include "zero or more" (or "zero or one") TLVs of a specific type. For example, the "topology response" CMDU can include "zero or more" "device bridging capability" TLVs. It would be "sane" to think that if a node does not have any "bridge" entity defined, it should send "zero" TLVs of this type. However, it is also possible to send "one" TLV that contains "zero bridges" entries. By default this flag is undefined, meaning the TLV won't be sent at all. It you define it, the "empty" TLV will be sent. I would say that the standard "spirit" is to not send the TLV, but thanks to the way it is written, it is open to interpretation. I personally like to let this flag undefined.

  • FIX_BROKEN_TLVS: When this flag is set, if a TLV contains a length of zero when it shouldn't (for example in an "interface power change status", whose minimum allowable length is "1"), instead of discarding it, it is treated in a "reasonable way" (for example, as if the needed fields to indicate a zero number of entries were present). This way you obtain greater compatibility with other implementations, but you become less "standard compliant". I personally like to let this flag undefined.

  • SPEED_UP_DISCOVERY: When this flag is set, when a node receives a "Topology Discovery" from a "new" node (i.e. a "node" it hasn't seen before), if addition to all the regular queries, we also send a "Topology Discovery" message back. This way the "new" node does not have to wait up to 1 minute to "discover" (and start querying) us. The standard "seems to imply" (although it is not 100% clear) that this is not the way to operate: instead, "new" nodes are expected to wait up to 1 minute to discover the rest of already existing nodes (and this is done to avoid "mini-storms" of packets when a new node enters the network). Even if this parameter might cause mini-storms, I personally like to define this flag.

  • REGISTER_EXTENSION_xxx: When this flag is set, the protocol extensions belonging to the group 'xxx' are registered. 'xxx' identifies a particular group (ex. REGISTER_EXTENSION_BBF). Each group defines a set of non- standard TLVs which fill a gap in the standard. This is the current group's list:

    • REGISTER_EXTENSION_BBF: add non-1905 link metrics info

Remember that for maximum standard compliance you must:

  • Not Define "SEND_EMPTY_TLVS"
  • Not Define "FIX_BROKEN_TLVS"

...but I personally would:

  • Not Define "SEND_EMPTY_TLVS"
  • Not Define "FIX_BROKEN_TLVS"

Linux native compilation

Note: by "native compilation" I mean that you are building the binaries in the same platform where they are meant to be run

The root "Makefile" already has the "PLATFORM" variable set to "linux" and the FLAVOUR variable set to "x86_generic", so you don't really need to do anything special. Simply clone this repository, and execute the following command:

  $ make

Note that the Linux port depends on the following libraries:

  • "libpthread" and "librt" to create threads this are typically already installed in all Linux systems.

  • "libpcap" to capture 1905 and LLDP packets. Usually you will have to manually install it first (ex: "sudo aptitude install libcap-dev" in Debian based distros)

  • "libcrypto" for WPS stuff. As in the previous case you probably need to install it first (ex: "sudo aptitude install libssl-dev" in Debian based distros)

... thus you need to have the corresponding "*.so" and "*.h" files in place before executing "make".

The whole build process takes a pair of seconds at most. Once it finishes go to the "output" folder where you will find two executable files:

  • al_entity: This is the AL "daemon"
  • hle_entity: This is the limited HLE command line tool

Linux cross compilation

A cross compilation situation would happen, for example, when you are trying to build the binaries in a Linux PC (x86) host but the binaries themselves are meant to be run in a Linux ARM embedded platform.

In some "flavours" (e.g. when "PLATFORM" is set to "*linux" and "FLAVOUR" is set to "arm_wrt1900ac") a cross compiler is used instead of the default system compiler.

Simply set the "PLATFORM" and "FLAVOUR" variables before calling make and proceed as in the previous section. Example:

  $ PLATFORM=linux FLAVOUR=arm_wrt1900ac make

In the "Porting to new platforms" section you will find details regarding how to obtain the cross compiler needed for each of the currently supported flavours and what requirements are needed in the target platform (e.g. which shared libraries, etc...)

The output binaries are located in the same folder as before ("output").

Usage instructions on Linux platforms

Abstraction Layer Entity

The AL entity is executed like this:

  $ ./al_entity -m <al_mac_address> -i <interfaces_list>

...where "<al_mac_address>" is the MAC address of the AL entity (you must provide one, as there is no place in the system from which such address can be consulted) and "<interfaces_list>" is a comma separated list of interfaces names you want the AL entity to manage (ex: "eth0,eth1,wlan0").

The AL entity daemon accepts several other parameters. Execute it with "--help" to see a list of all possible arguments (in particular pay attention to the "-v" argument that turns on the "verbose mode").

Once the daemon is running it will remain there until you kill it.

Note: Even if I am calling it "daemon", it is a standard process that sends output to STDOUT. In the future I might add the option to turn it into an actual daemon by using an extra parameter. This means that, for now, in order to kill it, you just need to press CTRL-C in the same terminal where the AL entity was started.

The Linux platform includes two "external triggers" that you need to be aware of:

  1. The "virtual push button" trigger is a file named "/tmp/virtual_push_button". Whenever you "touch" this file (ex: touch /tmp/virtual_push_button), the AL entity will act as if the physical button that starts the "push button configuration method" had been pressed. The code for each Linux flavour also includes the "glue" needed to start the process when a real button (associated to a GPIO pin) is pressed, but in some cases it comes really handy to also have this "virtual" button.

  2. The "topology change notification" trigger is a file named "/tmp/topology_change". Whenever you "touch" this file (ex: touch /tmp/topology_change), the AL entity will act as if a real topology change had been detected. Right now this is the only way to "detect" topology changes (i.e. you must "manually" force them). In the future the code will listen to both changes in this "virtual" trigger and changes in the Linux kernel itself, but for now remember you are in charge of this (using, for example, an external script that monitors network interfaces and "touches" the virtual trigger when a change is detected). Detecting topology changes is not mandatory but it "speeds up" the whole 1905 protocol (thus, it is a nice feature to have).

HINT: Look inside the 'scripts' folder for auxiliary scripts for specific flavours that already take care of managing these "external trigger" files

High Level Entity

The (limited) HLE entity is executed like this:

  $ hle_entity -a <ip address>:<tcp port> -m <ALME request type> [ALME arguments]

...where "<ip address>:<tcp port>" specify the location of the remote AL to which we are going to send the ALME query/command.

Remember that ALMEs bit stream and transport mechanism are undefined in the standard, thus you will only be able to communicate with AL entities that have decided to use the same bit stream and transport (e.g. a simple TCP socket) as this implementation.

The HLE entity tool accepts several other parameters. Execute it with "--help" to see a list of all possible arguments, including the list of available ALME messages and their arguments.

This HLE tool, as we have explained elsewhere, is limited in the sense that it simply sends a query/command, waits for a response, prints it to STDOUT, and exits.

For now there is no "daemon" mode that automatically queries ALs by itself, takes decisions to improve network performance and then issues commands to those ALs whose state requires to be modified.

This might be implemented in the future, but remember that none of this is covered by the standard, thus I will probably just create a "strategy container" where each network operator can decided what the actual intelligence driving the HLE is.


In addition to the "al_entity" and "hle_entity" binaries, you will also find some static libraries that you can use to forge/parse 1905 packets.

The main usage for this is to implement your own "hle_entity", capable of taking "smart" decisions (instead of simply act as a "querier", like now).

In any case, I would really like to make the default "hle_entity" implementation smarter, so if you are thinking about using these libraries for this purpose, please consider contributing to expanding the current implementation instead!

You can also use them to create custom utilities for network visualization and such... (ex: query an AL, retrieve information, query more ALs, ..., and draw network topology on screen).

Misc considerations

In the Linux port, when two devices are bridged together (using "brctl"), before running the "al_entity", you need to tell the Linux kernel to not forward packets addressed to the 1905 multicast address. This is done by executing this command as root:

  # ebtables -A FORWARD  -d 01:80:c2:00:00:13 -j DROP

The reason is that when you create a bridge of two interfaces, the kernel automatically forwards multicast packets received on port A to port B, however when the AL entity runs, it should be its job to decide which of these multicast packets are forwarded (or not) on each interface (and not the Linux kernel's).

The only way to tell the kernel not to forward these packets is using the above command.

NOTE: There might be a way to do it "programmatically" when the "al_entity" starts. This will probably be implemented once the "bridge" processing part of the 1905 is reviewed.


If you want to contribute to this repository (and I would love it if you do!), please consider reading the next sections first: the better you understand the code structure, the more sense your modifications will make inside the overall picture.

Source code organization

Files structure

At the root folder we have two folders (src and output) and two files ( and Makefile)

    |-- Makefile
    |-- LICENSE
    |-- PROJECT
    |-- version.txt
    |-- output
    |   `-- tmp
    |-- src
    `-- scripts

This is how they work:

  • src contains all the source code (who would have guessed!)

  • output is where intermediate objects, libraries and executables are placed by the build process.

    Initially the folder is empty... well, it actually contains another folder named "tmp" which itself contains an empty (and hidden) file called .place_holder, which is needed because "git" (the version control tool I use) does not accept empty folders.

    When the build process is triggered, intermediate objects are placed in "output/tmp" while libraries and executables are directly placed in "output".

    In other words, nothing from the src folder changes when you build (which is always nice)

  • Makefile is where the build instructions are defined. Refer to the "build instructions" section for more information.

  • is this file you are reading

  • LICENSE contains the license information (see the "Legal stuff" section in this same document)

  • PROJECT contains the project information (see the "Legal stuff" section in this same document)

  • version.txt contains a "version tag". These version tags are made of the letter "i" (from IEEE1905) and a monotonically increasing number (ex: "i245"). They reflect the most recently applied git tag with same name, this way, if someone receives the source code in a zip package (without git information) we can always know from which git commit it was extracted.

  • scripts contains auxiliary scripts for specific platforms/flavours that might come handly to start/manage the 1905 binaries in those targets. These are only needed at runtime and you should consider them as basic templates that require modifications for your particular use cases. This folder contains another '' file with more details.

Let's next then dive into the "src" folder.

Recall that the IEEE 1905 standard defines two distinct objects: the AL and the HLE. Well, each of these components has a dedicated folder: src/al and src/hle. In addition we also find here two additional folders: src/common and src/factory:

    `-- src
        |-- al
        |-- hle
        |-- common
        `-- factory

Each of these folders "produces" a special type of object when the build process is triggered:

  • The "al" folder contains the source code for the "core" AL component. When compiling files inside this folder, intermediate object files are placed inside the "output/tmp" folder and they are all named "_al_<something>.o", while the final executable is placed inside "output" and is called "al_entity"

  • The "hle" works exactly in the same way: its intermediate files (called "_hle_<something>.o") are placed inside "output/tmp" while the final executable ("hle_entity") goes to "output"

  • "common" and "factory" are different from the previous two. They also produce intermediate files ("_libcommon_<something>.o" and "_libfactory_<something>.o") in "output/tmp" and their final executable is also placed in "output", however their final executable is not actually an executable, but a library which is used by others to produce their final binaries.

    "common" includes very "generic" functions, such as one to print to STDOUT.

    "factory" includes more 1905 specific functions, but only if they are needed by both the AL and HLE (otherwise they would be directly defined inside the "al" or "hle" folders). This mainly includes functions to parse and forge protocol packets (CMDUs, ALMEs, ...)

This is how the "output" folder looks like after the build process finishes:

    `-- output
        |-- al_entity
        |-- hle_entity
        |-- libcommon.a
        |-- libfactory.a
        `-- tmp
            |-- _al_*.o
            |-- _hle_*.o
            |-- _libcommon_*.o
            `-- _libfactory_*.o

Back to the "src" folder, each of the four "components" ("al", "hle", "common" and "factory") contains a "Makefile" and zero or more of the following sub-subfolders:

  • "src_independent": contains platform independent code (typically "core" 1905 functions)

  • "src_<platform>": contains platform specific code (right now the only ported platform is "linux", thus the folder will be called "src_linux", but in the future there might be several of these subfolders). Platform specific code includes things such as functions to send or receive RAW packets or to obtain Tx/Rx stats from an interface.

  • "internal_interfaces": contains header files internal to the component. This means that, for example, functions declared in "al/internal_interfaces" can only be used from other files inside the "al" tree. Note that there are also header files inside the "src_independent" and "src_<platform>" folders. The difference is that these header files can only be used from files inside the same absolute folder, while header files from the "internal_interfaces" folder can be defined in "src_independent" and used from "src_<platform>" or the other way around... meaning that "internal_interfaces" is the "gateway" between platform dependent and platform independent code.

  • "interfaces": contains header files with the declaration of functions that are meant to be used from other components.

This is the actual folders layout:

    `-- src
        |-- al
        |   |-- internal_interfaces
        |   |-- src_independent
        |   `-- src_linux
        |-- common
        |   |-- interfaces
        |   |-- src_independent
        |   `-- src_linux
        |-- factory
        |   |-- interfaces
        |   |-- src_independent
        |   `-- unit_tests
        `-- hle
            `-- src_linux

Note that only library components (i.e. "common" and "factory") have the "interfaces" folder. This makes sense, as libraries are the only components whose functions are meant to be used by others.

In particular, "common" interfaces are used by everyone (even by the "factory" library itself!), while "factory" interfaces are only used by "al" and "hle"

   Components dependencies:
   hle ---------------------------
                |                |
                V                V
               factory ------> common
                ^                ^
                |                |
   al --------------------------- 

At the file level, this is how dependencies interconnect the different components. It is important that you spend a few minutes trying to fully understand this, so that if you ever need to add a new file/interface you do so in a way that the dependency structure is respected.

    `-- src            |                                 |
        |-- al         V                                 |
        |   |-- internal_interfaces                      |
        |   |          |                               __|_____
        |   |          V       _                      |        |  
        |   |-- src_independent | <---. Use code from each other
        |   |                   |     | and also from "factory" ------
        |   `-- src_linux      _| <---' and "common" -------         |
        |                                                  |         |
        |                                                  |         |
        |-- common                                         |         |
        |   |-- interfaces     <--------------------+-+-----         |
        |   |                  _                    ^ ^              |
        |   |-- src_independent | "self             | |              |
        |   `-- src_linux      _| sustained"        | |              |
        |                                           | |              |
        |-- factory                                 | |              |
        |   |-- interfaces     <------------------..| |..--------+----
        |   |                  _                    | |          |
        |   `-- src_independent_| Uses code from "common"        |
        |                                             |          |
        `-- hle                _                      |          |
            `-- src_linux      _| Uses code from "common" and "factory"

Code overview

Common component

The "common" library produces, as we have already explained, a "libcommon.a" file whose functions can be used by others through the header files found in "src/common/interfaces".

The functions you will find here fall in one of the following categories:

  • Generic packet manipulation: to insert/extract fields of 1, 2, 4 or n bytes to/from a bit stream in an endianness independent way.

  • Generic platform functions: wrappers to fundamental platform functions such as memcpy(), malloc(), free(), printf(), etc...

  • Generic utilities: these are arbitrary functions that are used from many places and don't have a better place to exist.

It would be interesting to keep the functionality provided by this library to a minimum. In particular, the less "generic platform functions" we need, the better (it will make it easier to port our code to different platforms in the future).

Let's see an example of this: imagine you are implementing some new functionality from a future update to the standard and you find that it would come handly to use strncpy() from platform independent code. One possible option would be to create a new wrapper function in the "common" library (let's call it PLATFORM_STRNCPY()) that simply calls strncpy() on a Linux platform, but this would add a new platform stub increasing the amount of effort/time it would take to port to a new platform. Another option (and, I think the best one) is to make use of the already existing functions PLATFORM_STRLEN() and PLATFORM_MEMCPY() to achieve the same functionality as strncpy()

Factory component

The "factory" library produces, as we have already explained, a "libfactory.a" file whose functions can be used by others through the header files found in "src/factory/interfaces".

These functions are meant to parse bit streams into memory structures and the other way around (i.e. to forge bit streams from memory structures).

In particular, you will find the following header files (among others) in the "src/factory/interfaces" folder:

  • 1905_alme.h : Functions to parse/forge ALME payloads
  • 1905_cmdus.h: Functions to parse/forge CMDUs
  • 1905_tlvs.h : Functions to parse/forge TLVs

In particular there is one function to parse and one function to forge on each of these files. That way they work is by accepting "void" pointers to all types of structures/bit streams and the return the correct bit stream/structure by first inspecting the element to find its type.

Functions are all heavily documented. In fact (and this applies to all functions from all components), before you touch a function implementation, read the documentation contained on its header file to make sure you are respecting its interface (e.g. "what it is supposed to do"). In particular, pay attention to memory management: some functions are expected to free passed pointers while others aren't... and this is always explained in the header documentation.

Each of these files contains, in addition to the functions prototype, the structures definitions for each type of supported "payload/blob". For example, file "1905_tlvs.h" contains the following structure declaration:

     struct deviceIdentificationTypeTLV
         INT8U  tlv_type;
         INT8U  friendly_name[64];
         INT8U  manufacturer_name[64];
         INT8U  manufacturer_model[64];

...which will be returned by the corresponding "parse" function when applied on a bit stream containing a TLV of type "Device Identification" such as this one:

  0x15, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x54, 0x76, 0x20, 0x60, 0x6e, 0x20, ...

Note that the bit stream format for ALME messages is not defined in the standard, and thus functions in "1905_alme.h" will "parse from"/"forge to" a non-standard bit stream (one that was decided for this implementation). Refer to the "ALMEs are undefined" section of this same for more information.

Each of these files also provides a few other functions to free, traverse and/or compare structures. Remember that, in the future, if a new type of TLV, CMDU and/or ALME is added, you need to make modifications in all of these functions.

Finally, there are other additional header files I have not mentioned:

  • lldp_payload.h and lldp_tlvs.h functions are used to parse/forge (and free, traverse, compare...) "LLDP" structures/bit streams. LLDP is a packet that has nothing to do with IEEE 1905 except for the fact that an AL entity needs to parse incoming LLDPs to infer network topology characteristics. In addition, if the node does not contain some other process (which is typically the case) to produce LLDPs periodically, the AL entity has to do it by itself.

  • media_specific_blobs.h functions are used to parse "media specific" structures/bit streams. These are not covered by the standard either, and right now we support a very small list of them. This is the file were new types should be added in the future in case more are needed.

  • 1905_l2.h: here you will simply find L2 eth types and multicast addresses definitions.

So, remember, the "libfactory.a" is used to forge/parse all types of protocol specific structures/bit streams, and that's why it is used by both the AL and the HLE component.

AL component

The AL entity consists of a single function (start1905AL) that never returns and that platform specific code has to call once the runtime environment is ready.

This function simply waits for a message to be available in a system queue, then processes the message and blocks again waiting for a new one. This goes on forever.

Messages to this queue are posted by platform specific code when certain things happen (a new level-2 packet arrives, a physical button is pressed, a timer times out, etc...).

   platform independent code          platform dependent code
   =========================          =======================
   start1905AL()             <------  main() 
   |--> register queue events ------> start thread #1 (capture 1905 packets on interface #1)
   |                                  start thread #2 (capture 1905 packets on interface #2)
   |                                  start thread #3 (timer)
   |                                  start thread #4 (button monitor)
   |                                  start thread #5 (ALME message transport channel)
   |                                  ...
   |                                  start thread #N (...)
   |                                \_______________________/
   |                                          |
   |                                          |
   `-> while (1)                              | Post messages to
       {                                      | queue
          m = read_queue()  <------------------

          |---------------------------> query interface
          |---------------------------> send L2 packet
          |---------------------------> send ALME reply
          `---------------------------> change interface/route/bridge status

Each platform port might choose to deliver messages to the system queue in the way they prefer. For example, the picture from above roughly corresponds to the Linux implementation that you will find in this repository, where I have chosen to create different threads for different tasks that all post to the same POSIX queue from where the main task reads. Of course there are other ways to do it... the important thing to take away from all this is that platform independent code interacts with platform dependent code by means of a queue.

HLE component

The HLE component included is a very "simple" one meant to serve as a template for more complex entities. In particular, this HLE is a command line tool that sends an ALME message to an AL entity, waits for a response, and then shows its contents on the screen. That's it.

A "real" HLE would need to query one or more nodes from the network, gathering as much information as possible and then, based on some strategy, take some decisions that translate into ALME commands.

Because this strategy is left open to the network operator, we don't do more than what I have already described.

HOWEVER, it would be nice to have optional "strategy modules" implemented! This is a nice feature to implement and contribute back ;)

Porting to new platforms

If you want to make this code run on your platform, you should first understand what I mean by "platform" and "flavour"... because in most cases what you will actually end up doing is creating a new "flavour" for an already existing "platform":

  • A "platform" is defined mainly by the underlying OS, its API and some common tools. For example, the "linux" platform (already supported in the current implementation) porting layer relies on several Linux specific things:

    • A POSIX API for queues and threads.
    • A Linux-like file system (with "/sys/class/net/", "/proc", etc...)
    • Some standard routing tools (ex: "btrctl")
    • ...

    Most of the "PLATFORM_*()" functions, when using the "linux" port, make use of these APIs/services to accomplish their goal (for example, the "PLATFORM_CREATE_QUEUE()" functions uses POSIX's "mq_open()")

  • A "flavour" is used two distinguish minor differences inside one same "platform". Right now we support three "flavours" for the "linux platform":

    • "x86_generic": This is the default flavour. Used to run on a standard Linux distro. No special assumptions are made. This is meant to be as generic as possible (and a good start point for creating new "flavours")

    • "arm_wrt1900ac": A configuration that produces binaries that can run on a WRT1900AC (or WRT1900ACS) Linksys router flashed with an OpenWRT linux distribution (i.e. replacing the original vendor firmware). When this flavour is selected, a cross-compiler is used. In addition, some tweaks in the source code are activated that deal with the way OpenWRT configures things (e.g. information regarding WIFI interfaces is retrieved using OpenWRTs "uci" tool)

      IMPORTANT: Two things are needed in order to be able to use this flavour: the cross compiler and the OpenWRT flash image. Both are generated using OpenWRT build scripts. These scripts accept an input configuration and generate an output tool chain (cross compiler) and a flash image. Note that the "default" tool chain and flash image for the WRT1900AC(S) that can be downloaded from the OpenWRT webpage do not work, as their input configuration does not include, among other things, support for pthreads in the kernel (which is needed by our IEEE1905 implementation). In other words, you must build the tool chain and flash image yourself using the OpenWRT build scripts and a special input configuration. The detailed instructions on how to do this are included in "Appendix A" at the end of this same "" file

    • "x86_windows_mingw": A configuration that produces binaries that can run on Windows! I know what you are thinking: "this should be a whole new platform, and not a flavour of the Linux platform"... and you are right. However, when using the "minGW" cross compiler (a cross compiler capable of producing Windows binaries on Linux), the modifications required in the source code of the Linux platform are so few that it becomes more practical to consider this as a flavour (just like in the case of the Linksys WRT1900AC(S) flavour). Otherwise (i.e. if we defined a new platform) we would have to replicate all the platform specific folders and files. Note however that the "minGW" cross compiler comes with an important limitation: it offers a very minimal POSIX compatibility layer. This means you cannot, for example, use threads among many other things. Because of this, when this flavour is selected, only the "hle_entity" binary (which is very simple) is built. For the "al_entity" to even compile a much greater porting effort would be needed (this time creating a "real" new platform instead of just a flavour). The good news is that on the typical scenario, Windows computers are "end points" that don't really need to run the "al_entity". They are more than happy with the "hle_entity" which lets them retrieve all kinds of information regarding the surrounding network equipment (specially when the "hle_entity" is being "managed" from a GUI tool capable of displaying network connections and data)

      IMPORTANT: In order to use this flavour you need the "minGW" cross compiler installed. "Appendix B" (at the end of this same "" file) explains how to do it.

Adding a new "flavour" to a "platform"

According to what we have just said, in the most typical scenario you will want to port this IEEE1905 code to your Linux-powered device. If that's the case, you need to create and add support for a new "flavour":

  1. In file "Makefile", under the "linux" platform section, add your new flavour. Name it something descriptive.

  2. In the new "flavour" section (still in that same "Makefile") specify the new compiler path and special compilation/linking flags your device needs. In addition, create a new compilation flag to "CCFLAGS" with the name of your flavour (ex: "CCFLAGS += -D_FLAVOUR_MY_FLAVOUR_NAME_")

  3. Now modify files inside any of the subfolders named "src_linux" (and only those files!) and use the new compilation flag ("FLAVOUR_MY_FLAVOUR_NAME" in the example) to perform things in a device-specific way. Example:

        <your new code that performs things in a device-specific way>
         <already existing code>

Most Linux distros are similar, and these "flavour" flags are meant to address very specific behaviors such as:

  • The way you can access interface info (example: in some distros you can directly read files under "/sys/class/net", in others, however, maybe you have to call "ifconfig" or "ip")
  • The way your device exposes the physical buttons (do I have to take control of the GPIO using the "/sys/class/gpio" kernel API? Is there a script already taking care of this? How do I interact with it?)
  • The way WIFI configuration settings is applied (how do I change the WIFI settings? Writing to a file? Using a netlink socket?)
  • Others?

Adding a new whole "platform"

If you want this source code to compile for a device that runs something completely different from Linux (such as an embedded platform running a custom RTOS or something like that), then (and only in this case) you will have to create a new "platform".

This is not a difficult task, but it requires much more effort than simply creating a new "flavour" as explained in the previous section.

These are the basic steps you should follow:

  1. Whenever you see a folder called "src_linux", create a new one called "src_<your_platform_name>".

  2. In these folders, create files that contain the implementation of all the needed "PLATFORM_*()" functions (to find out which are these "needed" functions, have a look at which of these functions are being implemented in the corresponding "src_linux" folder). When implementing these functions for your platform:

    • Pay attention to the provided *.h file where the function prototype is declared. These header files include detailed documentation explaining what the function (to be implemented by you) does and what values it returns.

    • You can use the current linux implementation (found in the corresponding "src_linux" folder) as a guide/template for your new code.

  3. Add your new "platform" (and "flavour", if needed) to the main "Makefile" file.

And that's all! In short, all you have to do is re-implement the body of all of the "PLATFORM*()" functions so that thay work for your platform and do what is detailed in the header files.

So that you make an idea of how much work is needed to "port" the code to another platform, let me through you some numbers:

  • This implementation (as I am writing this) contains ~22.000 lines of source (according to "sloccount"),

  • From those, ~19.000 contain platform specific code and ~3.000 contain the "linux" platform porting layer.

  • But the "linux" platform includes lots of extra functionality (like the option to use "simulated" interfaces). In a more practical approach, a porting layer should weight around ~1.500 lines (in fact, I have just finished a new porting layer to a custom platform which is exactly that long)

Protocol extensions

There are other protocols, like G.9977 (DPM), designed "on top of" the IEEE1905 standard that add new messages (CMDUs and TLVs).

Likewise, vendors might also want to add their own messages containing new extra and useful (at least to them!) network information.

Having these new CMDUs/TLVs included in the standard takes a lot of time. Fortunately, IEEE1905 already provides a mechanism for creating "vendor (or protocol) specific" extensions (that do not require to modify anything in the original standard): "Vendor Specific TLVs" These TLV contain a variable length field, which can be used to include any type of information. Thus, new non-standard TLV can be embedded inside a standard Vendor Specific TLV.

Protocol extensions support is implemented on top of this capability.

In fact, this IEEE1905 implementation already includes a protocol extension from the "Broad Band Forum", which other vendors can use as a reference to add their own.

NOTE: This BBF protocol extension (their first) defines a new set of TLVs used to transmit non-1905 link metrics information.

Files structure

Protocol extension source files are spread over several directories, following the same structure than the IEEE1905 standard files.

Only a bunch of new files need to be implemented in order to add a new extension:

  • *_recv.c and *_recv.h
  • *_send.c and *_send.h
  • *_tlvs.c and * tlvs.h
  • *_tlv_forging.c
  • *_tlv_parsing.c
  • *_tlv_test_vectors.c and *_tlv_test_vectors.h

...where '*' represents the group/vendor defining this functionality (ex. 'bbf_recv.c')

Each file has a particular purpose:

  • *_recv.c/h process the incoming CMDU (and TLVs)
  • *_send.c/h extend the outgoing CMDU with your new defined TLVs
  • *_tlv_forgind.c, *_tlv_parsing.c and *_tlv_test_vectors.c/h implement unit_tests to check your new defined TLVs

Each protocol extension file must be placed inside an 'extension/*' subdirectory (once again, '*' identifies the group/vendor, ex. 'extensions/bbf').

Taking the BBF extension files as an example, this is the path where each file must be placed:

    `-- src/
        |-- al
        |   `-- src_independent
        |       `-- extensions
        |           `-- bbf
        |               |-- bbf_recv.c
        |               |-- bbf_recv.h
        |               |-- bbf_send.c
        |               `-- bbf_send.h
        `-- factory
             |-- interfaces
             |   `-- extensions
             |       `-- bbf
             |           `-- bbf_tlvs.h
             |-- src_independent
             |   `-- extensions
             |       `-- bbf
             |           `-- bbf_tlvs.c
             `-- unit_tests
                 `-- extensions
                     `-- bbf
                         |-- bbf_tlv_forging.c
                         |-- bbf_tlv_parsing.c
                         |-- bbf_tlv_test_vectors.c
                         `-- bbf_tlv_test_vectors.h

If BBF ever decides to add new messages, they won't need to create new files. Instead they will simply have to implement the new funcionality inside the already existing ones. However, if you are not the Broad Band Forum and want to add your own custom extensions, you will need to replicate this file structure as seen next:

    `-- src/
        |-- al
        |   `-- src_independent
        |       `-- extensions
        |           |-- bbf
        |           |   |-- bbf_recv.c
        |           |   |-- bbf_recv.h
        |           |   |-- bbf_send.c
        |           |   `-- bbf_send.h
        |           `-- XXX
        |               |-- XXX_recv.c
        |               |-- XXX_recv.h
        |               |-- XXX_send.c
        |               `-- XXX_send.h
        `-- factory
             |-- interfaces
             |   `-- extensions
             |       |-- bbf
             |       |   `-- bbf_tlvs.h
             |       `-- XXX
             |           `-- XXX_tlvs.h
             |-- src_independent
             |   `-- extensions
             |       |-- bbf
             |       |   `-- bbf_tlvs.c
             |       `-- XXX
             |           `-- XXX_tlvs.c
             `-- unit_tests
                 `-- extensions
                     |-- bbf
                     |   |-- bbf_tlv_forging.c
                     |   |-- bbf_tlv_parsing.c
                     |   |-- bbf_tlv_test_vectors.c
                     |   `-- bbf_tlv_test_vectors.h
                     `-- XXX
                         |-- XXX_tlv_forging.c
                         |-- XXX_tlv_parsing.c
                         |-- XXX_tlv_test_vectors.c
                         `-- XXX_tlv_test_vectors.h

Register a group

In order to enable your new protocol extension, you must register your functionality. This is a two steps process:

  1. Register your new functionality at runtime.

    You must register a set of callbacks at initialization time. These callbacks will later be called when apropriated (to process an incoming CMDU, to extend an outgoing CMDU, ...)

    This is done in the 'al_extension_register.c' file.

    Take the BBF protocol extension as an example:

        // BBF extensions
        #include "bbf_send.h"
        #include "bbf_recv.h"
        INT8U start1905ALProtocolExtension(void)
            // BBF protocol extension
            PLATFORM_PRINTF_DEBUG_DETAIL("Registering BBF protocol extensions...\n");
            if (0 == register1905CmduExtension("BBF", CBKSend1905BBFExtensions, CBKprocess1905BBFExtensions))
                PLATFORM_PRINTF_DEBUG_ERROR("Could not register BBF protocol extension\n");
                return 0;
            if (0 == register1905AlmeDumpExtension("BBF",
                PLATFORM_PRINTF_DEBUG_ERROR("Could not register BBF datamodel protocol extension\n");
                return 0;
            // Please, register here your new functionality
            // ...

Don't worry about these callbacks yet. We will dive into details in the next section.

  1. Enable your new functionality at compilation time.

    Besides registering your new funcionality in the source code, you must also add a flag to the build system that lets others decide whether to include (or not) your extension by simply setting this flag's value.

    This is done in the main Makefile, located in the 'src' directory. Search for the 'Platform independent CONFIGs' comment and add a new flag there to enable your functionality (XXX).


      # Platform independent CONFIGs
        # These are special flags that change the way the implementation behaves.
        # The README file contains more information regarding them.
      CCFLAGS += -D_BUILD_NUMBER_=\"$(shell cat version.txt)\"
        # Version flag to identify the binaries
      CCFLAGS += -DREGISTER_EXTENSION_XXX    <---------------- (Here)
        # These are special flags to enable Protocol extensions

Code overview

Each new protocol extension must:

  1. Define a set of TLVs

    Each protocol extension group is responsible for defining the format of its own TLVs. As an example, the BBF group follows the same format defined for the standard TLVs (1-byte for TYPE, 2-bytes for LENGTH, and n bytes for data). You are, however, free to choose a different format (but why would you do that, anyway?)

    TLV definitions and utilities are found in 'XXX_tlvs.c/h'

  2. Implement a set of callbacks

    Protocol extension callbacks are classified in two groups: CMDU extensions and Datamodel extensions. Registering the first group is mandatory, while the second is optional. Take the BBF implementation (see 'Register a group' section) as an example:

    • The first group is registered via 'register1905CmduExtension()'. Callbacks belonging to this group are:

      • CBKSend1905XXXExtensions : Process the incoming CMDU
      • CBKprocess1905XXXExtensions: Extend the outgoing CMDU
    • The second group is registered via 'register1905AlmeDumpExtension()'. Callbacks belonging to this group are meant to extended the datamodel info when generating a datamodel report (included as response in the 'dnd' ALME).

      ALME 'dnd' is not a standard ALME. It is a propietary ALME created to read the whole datamodel. In this sense, Protocol extensions can extend this datamodel report with non-standard info.

      Registering the second group of callbacks is optional (ie. you might not need to extend the non-standard 'dnd' ALME for your purposes.

Check the previous ('Register a group') section to find a registration procedure example.


Proceed like this:

  1. Define an identifier for each TLV

  2. Define a data structure for each TLV

  3. Implement functions to parse, forge and release these TLVs

  4. Implement functions to help unit_tests to test these TLVs

Take the '1905_tlvs.h' file as an example (or the BBF protocol extension counterpart, 'bbf_tlvs.h' file).

NOTE: The BBF file does not define any structure for its TLVs because it reuses the ones defined in the standard.

The definitions from (1) and (2) must be placed inside 'XXX_tlvs.h'.

The implementations from (3) and (4) must be placed inside 'XXX_tlvs.c'.

Next, define a set of unit_tests to test your TLVs definitions:

  • XXX_tlv_test_vectors.c: define a set of test vectors. Each test vector comprises a filled structure and a stream
  • XXX_tlv_forging.c: define a set of 'forge' tests. Using the functions implemented in 'XXX_tlvs.c' converts an input stream in a TLV struture, and compare it with the expected result.
  • XXX_tlv_parsing.c: define a set of 'parse' tests. Using the functions implemented in 'XXX_tlvs.c' converts an input structure in an output stream, and compare it with the expected result.

Finally, you need to add your unit_tests to the Makefile found at 'src/factory/unit_tests/Makefile'. Add the next lines:

  UNITS += extensions/XXX/XXX_tlv_forging
  UNITS += extensions/XXX/XXX_tlv_parsing

To check your TLVs, execute:

  $ make clean unit_tests


CMDU extension

There are two CMDU extension callbacks. One is responsible for processing an incoming CMDU, and the other for extending an outgoing CMDU. They must be registered via the 'register1905CmduExtension()' API.

  • Process incoming CMDU: when a CMDU is received, the main IEEE1905 core parses it and builds a data structure, containing a list of TLVs. Each registered protocol extension is responsible for running through the whole TLV list, parsing the appropriate ones (those Vendor Specific TLVs with a specific OUI field) and ignoring the rest.

    This callback must be implemented in the 'XXX_recv.c' file. Take 'bbf_recv.c' file as an example.

  • Extend outgoing CMDU: when a CMDU is built by the main IEEE1905 core, each registered protocol extension has the opportunity to extend the TLV list with its own defined TLVs.

    This callback must be implemented in the 'XXX_send.c' file. Take 'bbf_send.c' file as a example.

Datamodel extension

This IEEE1905 implementation supports a non-standard primitive (called 'dnd') designed to retrieve the whole datamodel info. It is modeled as a human- readable text report.

There is also support to extend this report using the non-standard TLVs (registered by each protocol extension) information.

To make this possible, you must implement three callbacks:

  • Obtain local info: get non-standard information belonging to the current device, build the appropriate TLVs, and embed each one inside a standard Vendor Specific TLV.

    The stack provides the API to embed your TLV inside a Vendor Specific TLV and to insert this Vendor Specific TLV in the outgoing CMDU ('vendorSpecificTLVEmbedExtension()' and 'vendorSpecificTLVInsertInCDMU()')

  • Update the datamodel info: update the datamodel with the received protocol extension TLVs. The datamodel simply provides a pointer to a list of Vendor Specific TLVs. Each registered Protocol extension is responsible for managing this list.

    The received TLVs are related to a particular device, so the AL mac of this device is one of the arguments to this callback.

    Example: BBF defines a set of TLVs to retrieve metrics information from non-1905 links. In this particular case, updating the datamodel consists of removing the older TLV metrics and adding the new ones.

    The main stack uses this callback both to update the datamodel local info (current device) and the datamodel of neighbor devices. In the first case, it obtains the info via the previous callback ("obtain local info"), and in the latter case, via the CMDU exchange.

  • Dump the datamodel: the main stack calls this callback once for each device when generating the report. This function must run through the extension TLV's list and add extra information to this report.

These callbacks must be implemented in file 'XXX_send.c'.

Take 'bbf_send.c' as an example, which implements these callbacks:

  • CBKObtainBBFExtendedLocalInfo
  • CBKUpdateBBFExtendedInfo
  • CBKDumpBBFExtendedInfo

NOTE: why are these three callback needed?

Protocol extensions follow the same procedure as the IEEE1905 stack when generating the datamodel report. The 'Dump' callback is executed once for each device during this process. That means that the datamodel is expected to be updated at this moment.

The 'Update' callback is used to update both the neighbors datamodel section when receiving a CMDU or the local datamodel section via the first callback (Obtain local info)


Unit tests

Packet forging/parsing unit tests are also included.

In order to execute them, all you have to do is run this:

  $ make unit_tests

If you ever change something in the packet forging/parsing functions and/or and a new packet type, please don't forget to make sure the unit tests still run and/or add new test cases to cover the new functionality.

New test cases are very easy to add:

  1. Add a C structure and its corresponding bit stream representing an ALME, CMDU, TLV, ... to the "src/factory/unit_tests/*_test_vectors.[ch]" files.

  2. Add a new entry to the "src/factory/unit_tests/*_forging.c" file.

  3. Add a new entry to the "src/factory/unit_tests/*_parsing.c" file.

  4. Run "make unit_tests" and make sure your new test case appears.

Static code analysis

In addition to the regular compiler warnings (which should always be removed before committing!), there are additional tools that look at the source code at a much deeper level.

One of these tools is the "clang" compiler based static analysis tool (called "scan-build"). It is slow by the report quality is great.

Another one is called "cppccheck", which is much faster and created to generate a very low number of false positives.

Both of them are run by executing the foolowing commad:

  $ make static-analysis

Note that for this to work you need to have the following tools installed:

  1. Both clang and the scan-build tools (which usually come in the same package, typically called "clang")

  2. The cppcheck tool (usually contained in a package with the same name)

It would be nice if, before committing anything to the repo, you make sure your changes keep the output from these tools empty.

Note that while these instructions are meant to be run on a regular Linux box generating "native" binaries, I guess it would also be possible to make it work in a cross-compilation environment. However, the "quality" of the generated report would probably be the same... so it is not really worth going through all the pain...

Runtime analysis

Once the binary is built, you can still use some extra tools to detect more problems.

As in the previous section, the following instructions are meant to be used in a "native" (i.e. not "cross-compiled") environment. However there is certainly way to make them work otherwise.

Electric fence

While in development, when running a binary, instead of simply executing it, it is always a good idea to wrap it inside "libefence" and "gdb" like this:

  $ gdb --args ./<binary_under_test>

For example, when running the "al_entity" binary you would do something like this:

  $ gdb --args ./al_entity -m 00:00:00:00:00:01 -i eth1,eth0 -vv

This will have two combined effects:

  1. Variables are protected with extra padding to detect memory corruptions.
  2. As soon as this happens, the program execution will be halted and you will be able to inspect the process state (including the backtrace) in a gdb console.

Without libefence (aka. "electric fence"), memory corruptions can go undetected for a while, causing damage that might eventually reveal in a completely unrelated (and hard to debug) way.

Note that "electric fence" (in particular, its associated *.so library) needs to be installed on your system first. The distro package is called "electricfence", "electric-fence" or something like that.


The previous "electric fence" tool is quite simple and straight forward and you should probably use it as often as possible.

This other tool, on the other hand, requires some more work and should probably only be added at some later point of your workflow. However, please do use it (specially to detect memory leaks).

To you it, execute your binary like this:

    valgrind --log-file=val_%p.txt --time-stamp=yes --gen-suppressions=all --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full <binary_under_test>

For example, when running the "al_entity" binary you would do something like this:

    valgrind --log-file=val_%p.txt --time-stamp=yes --gen-suppressions=all --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./al_entity -m 00:00:00:00:00:01 -i eth1,eth0 -vv

...then let the binary run for a while. Exercise it. In our case, make it talk to other 1905 nodes so that as many execution paths as possible are visited.

After a while close your binary ("CTRL+c" in our case) and look at the generated report file (names "val_xxx.txt").

Note that this report might contain several entries regarding memory leaks detected when "pthread_create()" is executed. This is due to the fact of threads not being "join()'ed" at the end of their life. You can ignore these but not others! Try to keep these reports as empty as possible.

Black box tests

I manually run the following tests from time to time. In the future I would like to automate them.

Push button configuration

Scenario 1

A) Configured AP WIFI registrar (1 eth + 1 wlan AP)

B) Unregistered STA WIFI (1 wlan)

  Time     Event                    [A]                      [B]
  0        Button is pressed        - Start PB on eth
           on [A]                   - Start PB on wlan

  1        Button is pressed                                 - Start PB on wlan
           on [B]

  2        [B] receives PB          - Send notification      - <nothing> (*)
           configuration data         on eth
           from [A]

  (*) Notifications are only sent over *previously* authenticated interfaces
Scenario 2

A) Configured WIFI AP registrar (1 eth + 1 wlan AP)

B) Already registered STA WIFI (1 wlan)

  Time     Event                    [A]                      [B]
  0        Button is pressed        - Start PB on eth
           on [A]                   - Start PB on wlan

  1        Button is pressed                                 <nothing> (*)
           on [B]

  2        PB timeout               

  (*) Already registered STAs do not start a new PB process
Scenario 3

A) Configured WIFI AP registrar (1 eth + 1 wlan AP)

B) Unconfigured WIFI AP (1 eth + 1 wlan AP)

  Time     Event                    [A]                      [B]
  0        Button is pressed        - Start PB on eth
           on [A]                   - Start PB on wlan

  1        Button is pressed                                 - Start PB on eth
           on [B]                                            - Start PB on wlan (*1)

  2        eth interfaces (in [A]   <nothing> (*3)           - Send AP-autoconf
           and [B] become                                      search
           authenticated) (*2)

  (*1) Because both [A] and [B] are access points, the PB mechanism will do

  (*2) This actually happens as soon as the buttons of [A] and [B] are pressed,
       but to keep the timeline clean, we will consider this as a separate

  (*3) Only devices with an unconfigured AP interface send "AP-autoconf" search

Access Point security settings cloning



  1. PC with two Ethernet interfaces: eth0, eth1
  2. Create file "interface.eth0.sim" with these contents:
      mac_address                                   = 00:16:03:01:85:1f
      manufacturer_name                             = Marvell
      model_name                                    = WIFI PHY x200
      model_number                                  = 12345
      serial_number                                 = 100000000000
      device_name                                   = Marvell WIFI phy x200
      uuid                                          = 100000000000
      interface_type                                = INTERFACE_TYPE_IEEE_802_11G_2_4_GHZ
      ieee80211.bssid                               = 00:16:03:01:85:1f
      ieee80211.ssid                                = My WIFI network
      ieee80211.role                                = IEEE80211_ROLE_AP
      ieee80211.ap_channel_band                     = 10
      ieee80211.ap_channel_center_frequency_index_1 = 20
      ieee80211.ap_channel_center_frequency_index_2 = 30
      ieee80211.authentication_mode                 = IEEE80211_AUTH_MODE_WPAPSK
      ieee80211.encryption_mode                     = IEEE80211_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES
      ieee80211.network_key                         = Test network
      is_secured                                    = 1
      push_button_on_going                          = 0
      push_button_new_mac_address                   = 00:00:00:00:00:00
      power_state                                   = INTERFACE_POWER_STATE_ON
  1. Create file "interface.eth1.sim" with these contents:
      mac_address                                   = 38:ea:a7:11:84:dc
      manufacturer_name                             = Marvell
      model_name                                    = ETH PHY x200
      model_number                                  = 99999
      serial_number                                 = 100000000001
      device_name                                   = Marvell eth phy x200
      uuid                                          = 0000000000810001
      interface_type                                = INTERFACE_TYPE_IEEE_802_3U_FAST_ETHERNET
      is_secured                                    = 1      
      push_button_on_going                          = 2
      push_button_new_mac_address                   = 00:00:00:00:00:00
      power_state                                   = INTERFACE_POWER_STATE_ON


  1. Run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:simulated:interface.eth1.sim,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
  2. Wait a few seconds, open a new terminal and execute this:
      $ touch /tmp/virtual_push_button 
  3. Finish the "al_entity" process with CTRL+c

Expected output:


  INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0


This node is running an already configured access point (on eth0) and thus the "discovery" messages are sent through both interfaces (eth0 and eth1). When the virtual button is pressed, the "push button configuration process" is started only in eth0 (because eth1, being Ethernet, does not include support for this), however the notification CMDU is sent through both interfaces.



  1. PC with two Ethernet interfaces: eth0, eth1
  2. Create file "interface.eth0.sim" with these contents:
      mac_address                                   = 00:16:03:02:85:20
      manufacturer_name                             = Marvell
      model_name                                    = WIFI PHY x200
      model_number                                  = 12345
      serial_number                                 = 200000000000
      device_name                                   = Marvell WIFI phy x200
      uuid                                          = 200000000000
      interface_type                                = INTERFACE_TYPE_IEEE_802_11G_2_4_GHZ
      ieee80211.bssid                               = 00:00:00:00:00:00
      ieee80211.ssid                                =
      ieee80211.role                                = IEEE80211_ROLE_AP
      ieee80211.ap_channel_band                     = 00
      ieee80211.ap_channel_center_frequency_index_1 = 00
      ieee80211.ap_channel_center_frequency_index_2 = 00
      ieee80211.authentication_mode                 = IEEE80211_AUTH_MODE_OPEN | IEEE80211_AUTH_MODE_WPAPSK
      ieee80211.encryption_mode                     = IEEE80211_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES | IEEE80211_ENCRYPTION_MODE_TKIP
      ieee80211.network_key                         =
      is_secured                                    = 0
      push_button_on_going                          = 0
      push_button_new_mac_address                   = 00:00:00:00:00:00
      power_state                                   = INTERFACE_POWER_STATE_ON
  3. Create file "interface.eth1.sim" with these contents:
      mac_address                                   = 38:ea:a7:11:84:dd
      manufacturer_name                             = Marvell
      model_name                                    = ETH PHY x200
      model_number                                  = 99999
      serial_number                                 = 0000000000810001
      device_name                                   = Marvell eth phy x200
      uuid                                          = 200000000001
      interface_type                                = INTERFACE_TYPE_IEEE_802_3U_FAST_ETHERNET
      is_secured                                    = 1      
      push_button_on_going                          = 2
      push_button_new_mac_address                   = 00:00:00:00:00:00
      power_state                                   = INTERFACE_POWER_STATE_ON


  1. Run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:simulated:interface.eth1.sim,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
  2. Wait a few seconds, open a new terminal and execute this:
      $ touch /tmp/virtual_push_button 
  3. Finish the "al_entity" process with CTRL+c

Expected output:


 INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0


This is the same as TC001, but this time we have an unconfigured access point (on eth0), thus the initial "discovery" messages are only sent through eth1. When the virtual button is pressed, the same things as in TC001 happens except for one new item: because this node contains an unconfigured AP interface (eth0), a "search" CMDU is also sent through the authenticated interface (eth1).



  1. PC#1 = PC from TC001 (with its configuration files)
  2. PC#2 = PC from TC002 (with its configuration files)
  3. PC#1/eth0 <--- Ethernet ---> PC#2/eth0
  4. PC#1/eth1 <--- Ethernet ---> PC#2/eth1
      NOTE: It doesn't really need to be Ethernet. ANYTHING will do as long
      as there is connectivity, because the actual parameters for each
      interface will be retrieved from the simulation file.


  1. On PC#1, run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:simulated:interface.eth1.sim,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
  2. Wait a few seconds. On PC#2, run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:11 -i eth1:simulated:interface.eth1.sim,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
  3. Wait a few seconds. On PC#2, open a new terminal and execute this:
      $ touch /tmp/virtual_push_button 
  4. Wait a few seconds.
  5. Finish the "al_entity" process on PC#1 and PC#2 with CTRL+c

Expected output:

 On PC#1:                                                                                   On PC#2:

   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_DISCOVERY (eth1)                                          INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_DISCOVERY (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_QUERY (eth1)                                              INFO    : --> LLDP BRIDGE DISCOVERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- LLDP BRIDGE DISCOVERY (eth1)                                                 INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_RESPONSE (eth1)                                           INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_RESPONSE (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_QUERY (eth1)                                           INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_QUERY (eth1)                                          INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_RESPONSE (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_RESPONSE (eth1)                                        INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_RESPONSE (eth1)                                        INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_RESPONSE (eth1)

   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)                                 INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (forwarding from eth1 to eth0)         INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON_EVENT_NOTIFICATION (forwarding from eth1 to eth0)      


Here we are connecting the PCs from TC001 and TC002 together.

When the virtual button is pressed on PC#2 (which is the one with an unconfigured AP interface), the same things as in TC002 happen, but this time there someone listening at the other end of eth1.

When PC#1 receives the CMDU messages ("push button notification" and "AP autoconfiguration search"), this is what happens:

1. Because these CMDUs are of type "relayed multicast", they are forwarded
   to eth1.

2. The "push button configuration process" is *not* started in any of the
   interfaces of PC#1 because:
     a) "eth0" is not the network registrar
     b) "eth1" (Ethernet) does not support it


In the actual output, in addition to the "INFO" messages detailed above, you will probably also see "WARNING" messages. Two of them can be ignored (and only these two! if any other "WARNING" message appears it should be considered an error):

  • WARNING : Unknown destination AL MAC. Using the 'src' MAC from the METRICS QUERY (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00) This is, in fact, a problem with the 1905 standard itself (see the "problems ins the IEEE 1905 standard" section of this same file)

  • WARNING : This interface (eth0) is not secured. No packets should be received. Ignoring... This is an artifact of the simulation environment: when "relayed multicast" CMDUs are forwarded (in PC#1) from eth0 to eth1, they should never be received by PC#2 (because PC#2/eth0 is not yet authenticated), but in a simulation environment they do.



  1. The same as TC003


  1. The same as TC003, but when running "al_entity" on PC#1, add "-r eth0":
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:simulated:interface.eth1.sim,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -r eth0 -v 

Expected output:

 On PC#1:                                                                                   On PC#2:

   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_DISCOVERY (eth1)                                        INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_DISCOVERY (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_QUERY (eth1)                                            INFO    : --> LLDP BRIDGE DISCOVERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- LLDP BRIDGE DISCOVERY (eth1)                                               INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_RESPONSE (eth1)                                         INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_TOPOLOGY_RESPONSE (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_QUERY (eth1)                                         INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_QUERY (eth1)                                        INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_RESPONSE (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_LINK_METRIC_RESPONSE (eth1)                                      INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_QUERY (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_RESPONSE (eth1)                                     INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_HIGHER_LAYER_RESPONSE (eth1)

   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)                               INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_RESPONSE (eth1)                             INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)             
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (forwarding from eth1 to eth0)       INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON_EVENT_NOTIFICATION (eth1)          
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON_EVENT_NOTIFICATION (eth1)                            INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_RESPONSE (eth1)           
   INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0                   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON_EVENT_NOTIFICATION (forwarding from eth1 to eth0)    INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                                  INFO    : Applying WSC configuration (eth0):                           
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                                  INFO    :   - SSID            : My WIFI network                        
                                                                                            INFO    :   - BSSID           : 00:16:08:01:8a:f1                      
                                                                                            INFO    :   - AUTH_TYPE       : 0x0002                                 
                                                                                            INFO    :   - ENCRYPTION_TYPE : 0x0008                                 
                                                                                            INFO    :   - NETWORK_KEY     : Test network                           


This time PC#1 is the network registrar, thus when the CMDUs arrive:

  1. Because these CMDUs are of type "relayed multicast", they are forwarded to eth1 (same as in TC003)

  2. The "push button configuration process" is now started on eth0 because it is the registrar.

  3. A response is sent back (this is how PC#1 tells PC#2 that he is the network registrar)

When PC#2 receives the response, it then forges and sends a WSC message (containing a "M1" payload), and then PC#1 receives it and responds with a final WSC message (containing a "M2" payload).

After all of this, PC#2 should now contained a configured AP using the same parameters as those provided by the registrar.


Ignore the same "WARNING" messages as in TC003



  1. The same as TC004, but this time interfaces "eth1" on PC#2 and PC#3 will be "dummy" interfaces connected over a link.
      PC#1/eth0 <----- Ethernet -----> PC#2/eth0
      PC#1/eth1 <-- X X --> PC#2/eth1
        NOTE: The "X" marks denote "dummy" interfaces whose MAC addresses
        are "<X1>" and "<X2>" and their LCMP password is "<P1>" and "<P2>"
  2. Only files named "interface.eth0.sim" will be needed (you can delete -or not- the other ones).
  3. Initially, modem must be "secured". You can achieve this by manually starting a pairing process by itself (e.g. no one responds) and waiting:
    • Set parameter "PAIRING.GENERAL.PROCESS_START" to "1":
        > configlayer -i eth1 -m <X1> -o SET -p PAIRING.GENERAL.PROCESS_START=1 -w <P1>
    • Keep reading that same parameter until its value changes back to "0":
        > configlayer -i eth1 -m <X1> -o GET -p PAIRING.GENERAL.PROCESS_START -w <P1>
  4. Initially, modem must be "unpaired". You can achieve this by manually setting parameter "PAIRING.GENERAL.LEAVE_SECURE_DOMAIN" to "1":
       > configlayer -i eth1 -m <X2> -o SET -p PAIRING.GENERAL.LEAVE_SECURE_DOMAIN=1 -w <P2>


  1. On PC#1, run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:ghnspirit:<X1>:<P1>,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -r eth0 -v
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00 -i eth1:ghnspirit:00139D00111F:bluemoon,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -r eth0 -v
  2. Wait a few seconds. On PC#2, run this command:
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:11 -i eth1:ghnspirit:<X2>:<P2>,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
      $ al_entity -m aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:11 -i eth1:ghnspirit:00139D001103:palemoon,eth0:simulated:interface.eth0.sim -v
  3. Wait a few seconds. On PC#1, open a new terminal and execute this:
      $ touch /tmp/virtual_push_button 
  4. Wait a few seconds. On PC#2, open a new terminal and execute this:
      $ touch /tmp/virtual_push_button 
  5. Wait a few seconds (or minutes) until the pairing process ends.
  6. Finish the "al_entity" process on PC#1 and PC#2 with CTRL+c

Expected output:

 On PC#1:                                                                                   On PC#2:

   INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth1                   
   INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0

                                                                                            INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth1
                                                                                            INFO    : Starting push button configuration process on interface eth0

   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)                               INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_SEARCH (forwarding from eth1 to eth0)       INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)
   INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                                  INFO    : <-- CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)
   INFO    : --> CMDU_TYPE_AP_AUTOCONFIGURATION_WSC (eth1)                                  INFO    : Applying WSC configuration: 
                                                                                            INFO    :   - SSID            : My WIFI network
                                                                                            INFO    :   - BSSID           : 00:16:08:01:8a:f1
                                                                                            INFO    :   - AUTH_TYPE       : 0x0002
                                                                                            INFO    :   - ENCRYPTION_TYPE : 0x0008
                                                                                            INFO    :   - NETWORK_KEY     : Test network


As in TC004, PC#1 eth0 is the registrar, whose credentials are going to be cloned by PC#2 eth0.

In order for this to happen, the channel needs to be secured first. Then PC#2 sends an "AP autoconfiguration search packet" and credentials are cloned.

Differences to notice versus TC004:

1. All the initial topology and metric queries are not being sent because
   initially there are no secured links.

2. The same thing happens to the "push button event notification" message
   from PC#2: it is never generated because at that point (when the button
   is pressed) the interface is not yet secured (while on TC004, Ethernet
   interfaces are always considered to be secured).


Ignore the same "WARNING" messages as in TC003


These are items that we should implement/fix, listed in order of importance:

  • Support for "forwarding" commands on Linux (but first, we need to define what are the "use case" scenarios for taking advantage of forwarding)

  • Network registrar detection (1A: 10.1.4 & Annex E)

  • U-key derivation (9.2.1)

  • TR069 datamodel based on BBF TR-181

  • Security analysis! (Check for buffer overflows, malformed packets handling, etc...)

  • Add intelligence to the HLE (out of spec, but needed anyway, at least as a reference implementation with a very simple intelligence that can later be improved)

  • Automatic test virtualized scenarios (I'm considering "cloonix")

There are also several places in the source code marked with the "TODO" tag. They are a good place to start contributing! :)

Appendix A: OpenWRT tool chain and flash image generation

In this section we are going to explain how to obtain and use the OpenWRT tools to generate a final flash image containing a pthreads-enabled Linux kernel.

Appendix B: Installing "minGW"


Based on the Broadband Forum IEEE 1905.1/1a stack







No packages published


  • C 97.0%
  • Makefile 1.8%
  • Shell 1.2%