This is a working copy of an image post processor (see branch feature/working). Once deployed, this function will create an
- S3 bucket with an Event Notification (filter on uploaded/)
- Lambda Function
- A Lambda execution role
- CloudWatch log stream
In order to create an empty serverless application you can either -
- Use your custom serverless application template
serverless create --template-url <some_github_repo> --path <your_new_serverless_app>
- Use a standard serverless template
This should offer you a bunch of options. For this excercise, choose "AWS - Node.js - Starter" Now enter an application name eg. "<>-image-post-processor"
NOTE: If using a common (organisation) account, prefix the application name with your initials eg "devendra-image-post-processor". This is to avoid any stack namespace clashes.
Say no to login/register to the serverless dashboard Say no to deploying your project
serverless package --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2 --stage dev
serverless deploy --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2 --stage dev
serverless invoke --function postProcessor --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2
serverless invoke local --function postProcessor --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2
serverless invoke local --function postProcessor --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2 --path lib/eventData.json
serverless logs -f postProcessor -t --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2
serverless deploy function -f postProcessor --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2 --stage dev
serverless remove --aws-profile personal --region ap-southeast-2 --stage dev
export AWS_PROFILE=personal
aws s3 cp ../../../../Downloads/mug-shot.jpg s3://your-bucket-name-here/uploaded/mug-shot.jpg
curl -o- -L | bash