This package is a wrapper for the PMP3g API provided by SMHI.
Add Weather o your Package.swift
/// Append the package to the list of dependencies
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
/// Append the library to the list of target dependencies
targets: [
name: "MyProject",
dependencies: ["Weather"])
Note that this is just a simple example demonstrating how the library can be used.
var cancellables: [String: AnyCancellable] = [:]
/// Request the current weather forecast for Stockholm
let weatherPublisher = Weather.publisher(latitude: 59.3258414, longitude: 17.7018733)
cancellables["weather"] = weatherPublisher
.sink { weather in
/// Get the current air temperature
let temperature = observation.get(\.value, for: .t)
/// Use the air temperature in some way
print("It is currently \(temperature)°C")
This package utilizes data provided by SMHI.
Make sure to read SMHI:s terms of use before using this package.
The developer and this package are not affiliated with or endorsed by SMHI. Any products and services provided through this package are not supported or warrantied by SMHI.
See LICENSE for license details concerning this package and SMHI:s terms of use for license details concerning the data provided by their API.