d3.js linear graph of 'Sales over Month' data fetched from a web server running Pyramid with SQLAlchemy ORM connected to a PostgreSQL DB.
Go to: http://pyramid-sales.herokuapp.com/ to see the app in action.
Demonstrate understanding of the in/out's workings of the Python Pyramid Web Framework with SQLAlchemy.)
Display a linear graph of sales over time (y-axis is $, x-axis is month). Create dummy/static data, but load the data via an ajax call.
- Select an elegant front end graphic library, d3.js
- Data is randomly auto-generated and stored in the DB
- Data is fetched via an ajax call, e.g. http://pyramid-sales.herokuapp.com/sales_month, to select the data from DB and pass to the front end for display
- Unit test the workflow
- Setup Pyramid directory structure for models and views so that new functionality is easily added
- Select Mako templating for its inherintance features
- Deploy app to Heroku with a Postgres Add-on
git clone or download it to your local system.
install & setup postgresql
On Ubuntu, you do (use the equivalent cmd in your linux env): sudo apt-get install postgresql Basic setup (create user: root with password: root and database: sales) sudo -u postgres createuser root sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# \password root sudo -u postgres createdb -O root sales
Note: $venv is 'your virtual env'
cd 'directory_to_this_app'
install require packages
$venv/bin/python setup.py develop
initialize the db creating a 'sales_month' table if it does not exist and inserting random values
$venv/bin/python initialize_sales_db development.ini
run the unitest
$venv/bin/python setup.py test -q
start app
$venv/bin/pserve development.ini
Using d3.js to fetch the data via an ajax call and display the sales-month line graph.