infinite books api is api created in python to search book from LibGen
The API accepts a string seperated by comma, this string is split into 4 strings that serve as filters accepted by the libgen-api
example :,Kiyosaki,2017,english,epub
- The first entry should the title name of the book
- Second entry follows the author name
- Third looks for year of publication in libgen database
- Next the language you want the book to be
- Finally the extension of the file
[{"Author":"Kiyosaki,Robert T","Edit":"","Extension":"epub","ID":"2603381","Language":"English","Mirror_1":"","Mirror_2":"","Mirror_3":"","Mirror_4":"","Mirror_5":"","Pages":"","Publisher":"Perseus Books, LLC;Plata Publishing","Size":"5 Mb","Title":"Rich dad poor dad: Rich dad's prophecy: why the biggest stock market crash in history is still coming-- and how you can prepare yourself and profit from it!","Year":"2017"}]