Orchestration-based saga
Here are the technologies used in this project:
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3
- Apache Kafka
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Redpanda Console
- Gradle
Just run the file build.py. For that, you need to have Python 3 installed.
To execute, simply run the following command in the root directory of the repository:
py build.py
All applications will be built, all containers will be removed, and then docker-compose
will be executed.
- Order-Service: 3000
- Orchestrator-Service: 8080
- Product-Validation-Service: 8090
- Payment-Service: 8091
- Inventory-Service: 8092
- Apache Kafka: 9092
- Redpanda Console: 8081
- PostgreSQL (Product-DB): 5432
- PostgreSQL (Payment-DB): 5433
- PostgreSQL (Inventory-DB): 5434
- MongoDB (Order-DB): 27017
By dev-Pedrod See my Linkedin