Simple tool to clean some of the stuff created by XCode.
Looks at next locations and tries to remove some of the stuff located here:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport
brew install deszip/tools/xclean
usage: xclean [-l] <TARGET> [-r] <TARGET> [-t] <TIMEOUT>
-l <TARGET> Lists files that could be relatively safely removed.
Pass target name to list only it. Available targets: DerivedData, Archives, DeviceSupport, CoreSimulator.
If no value passed - uses all targets.
-r <TARGET> Removes files listed by -l
-t <TIMEOUT> Sets interval for assuming file is old.
-r and -l will process only files with last access date older than timeout
-v Print the version of the application
Some examples:
- List all targets showing info on how much space could be freed
xclean -l
- Same as above but only for derived data
xclean -l DerivedData
- Removes all derived data older than an hour
xclean -r DerivedData -t 3600
If you have improvements or concerns, feel free to post an issue and write details.