Page Cache improvements and minor bugfixes
[FEATURE] Respect start date and reg. deadline in page cache calculation #795
When config.cache
is configured properly, TYPO3 will now also respect the start date and deadline of event registration in the page cache lifetime calculation. This has been implemented using the TYPO3 get_cache_timeout
core hook.
Example configuration:
config.cache.3 = tx_sfeventmgt_domain_model_event:2
config.cache.4 = tx_sfeventmgt_domain_model_event:2
The shown example will include the starttime/stoptime and the start date and deadline for registrations for all events in PID 2 (storage page for events) for cache lifetime calculation of PID 3 (page with list view plugin) and 4 (page with detail view plugin).
[FEATURE] Add registration start date for events #800
[BUGFIX] Show asterisk when dateOfBirth is configured as required field #790
[BUGFIX] Removed hardcoded pageUid in ListItem partial #792
[BUGFIX] Fix sorting in backend module when paginating #793
[BUGFIX] Added option to control enableFields setting in eventDemand #805
[TASK] Remove p-tags for sender signature in templates #790
[TASK] Harden postProcessFieldArray dataHandler hook #797
[DOC] Add missing info for reCAPTCHA configuration #809