Hey, I graduated the University of Utah Fall 2019 with a Bachelors degree. I have experience creating websites and mobile apps using many differnet languages and frameworks.
Lake Monster is a weather app for lakes, it is available on the IOS and Android app stores. The app provides lake water temperature, weather forecast information, live camera feed, and more for lakes around the United States.
- The App was built using React Native
- Front end - HTML, CSS, SCSS, Angular, Typescript, Javascript
- Lots of Native Plugins - Camera, Geolocation, Photo Library, Native Settings, InAppBrowser, InAppPurchases, Google AdMob, and more
- Backend was created using MySQL and PHP
- Rest API - Working with JSON Data
- Unit Testing
- Version Control
- Adobe Experience - Illustrator, Photoshop, XD, Lightroom
- UI/UX Design
- Wire framing - Adobe XD
- Python
- Ruby
- Email: dillenerb21@gmail.com