! THE INPAINTING PART IS BELOW (it is the next part)!
Create a new conda environment and activate it:
conda create --name iin_project python==3.7.15
conda activate lcc
Install torch 1.12.1 with or without cuda depending on your hardware (for example here I have GPU with cuda 11.6 installed, refer to this page for installation)
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
Install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Be sure to put the path to the folder inside path.py
, you can in vscode copy the path directly by left-clicking on the folder project_LB_TD
and click on 'copy path'. For example for me it is :
path_to_project_LB_TD = r"C:\Users\denor\Desktop\introduction_a_l'imagerie numérique_projet\project_LB_TD"
We are using stylegan2-ada-pytorch for our code, their functions are in our folder stylegan2
, that can be obtained by unzipping stylegan2.zip
The main functions are all in the folder main_functions
, make sure to execute the functions in the logic order :
First, generate the dataset of images, with their associated vectors in z and w. You can control the size of the dataset by changing the variable size
at the beginning of the file generate_images.py
(default 20 to test). Then run :
python -m main_functions.generate_images
Then you need to create the data.json
file inside the dataset
folder, this is a dictonary that contains the class predicted for each caracteristic and for each photo of the dataset. Then run :
python -m main_functions.classification_of_the_images
You can have all the statistics about what was created in the notebook statistics.ipynb
Then with those predictions, we can compute the hyperplans in the z space or in the w space, in estimate_hyperplans.py
you can control the ceil of surety to choose (by default it is 0) by changing the variable seuil
. You can choose if you compute the hyperplan on z or on w (by default w). Then run :
python -m main_functions.estimate_hyperplans
Finaly you can use the biggest function we have : transform_image.py
. This function takes :
- An index of a generated image (change
) - A caracteristic to change (you can change "gender", "age", "hair_lenght", "hat": "bare head", "smile"
) (change
) - A intensity of the modification (change
This function will :
- Create ten images that are generate from a vector z or w that is modified by a certain amount. The amount of modification is controlled by the variable
(default 6). - Create a gif that shows the evolution of the image from the original to the final image.
- Create a plot in line of the ten images.
- Create the plot of the latent traversial metric.
- Create a plot of the distance of the vector with the hyperplans.
Run :
python -m main_functions.transform_image
Finaly you can test if our method is working by running the function is_it_working.py
, this function will test the porportion of images that are correctly classified after the transformation. You can change the number of images to test by changing the variable nb_samples
(default 20 here). Then run :
python -m main_functions.is_it_working
First you will need to have created a dataset of generated images with the function generate_images.py
(see above).
Then you will have to download the small_ffhq dataset from here https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tommykamaz/faces-dataset-small. Put everything in the folder dataset
and rename the folder to small_ffhq
if it is not already the case.
Then you will have to choose a mask for an image, you can use the function create_mask.py
to create a mask for an image of the dataset generated by StyleGan2 of use create_mask_ffhq.py
to create a mask for an image of the small_ffhq dataset. Be careful, when you choose the box, you have to select the box from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.
Don't be on a remote server when you run the function create_mask.py
or create_mask_ffhq.py
because it will open a window to select the box, and the window will not be displayed on the remote server.
python -m main_functions.create_mask
python -m main_functions.create_mask_ffhq
Then you can run the function inpainting.py
to inpaint the image with the mask. You can see how to use it inside the file in comments, if you struggle to understand it, contact me at denorme.theo@gmail.com. I advise you to use name_loss = 'all' to have the results of all the methods and then perform the other scripts.
python -m main_functions.inpainting
Now to view a beautiful plot of all the reconstructed images with the different methods, you can run the function fusion_images.py
. You can see how to use it inside the file in comments. The function can also be used to create a fusion between two images, you can see how to use it inside the file in comments.
python -m main_functions.fusion_images
You can also run fusion_results.py
to create a txt file with the results of all the methods on an image (in a table). You can see how to use it inside the file in comments.
python -m main_functions.fusion_results
Now you can do a translation of an image with the function translation.py
. You can see how to use it inside the file in comments. After you can go back to the file inpainting.py
and put translation = True to inpaint the image with the translation.
python -m main_functions.translation