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YANG parser and composer

Super light-weight and fast. Produces adaptive JS objects bound by YANG schema expressions according to RFC 6020 specifications. Composes dynamic YANG schema expressions by analyzing arbitrary JS objects.

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yang = require 'yang-js'
schema = """
  container foo {
    leaf a { type string; }
    leaf b { type uint8; }
obj = (yang schema) {
    a: 'apple'
    b: 10


$ npm install yang-js

When using with the web browser, be sure to grab the minified build (currently ~85KB).


  • Robust parsing
  • Focus on high performance
  • Extensive test coverage
  • Flexible control logic binding
  • Powerful XPATH expressions
  • Isomorphic runtime
  • Adaptive validations
  • Dynamic schema generation

Please note that yang-js is not a code-stub generator based on YANG schema input. It directly embeds YANG schema compliance into ordinary JS objects as well as generates YANG schema(s) from oridnary JS objects.


Here's a quick example for using this module in coffeescript:

yang = require 'yang-js'
schema = """
  container foo {
    leaf a { type string; }
    leaf b { type uint8; }
obj = yang.parse(schema).eval {
    a: 'apple'
    b: 10

The example above uses the explict long-hand version of using this module, which uses the parse method to generate the Yang expression and immediately perform an eval using the Yang expression for the passed-in JS data object.

Since the above is a common usage pattern sequence, this module also provides a cast-style short-hand version as follows:

obj = (yang schema) {
    a: 'apple'
    b: 10

It is functionally equivalent to the explicit version but provides cleaner syntactic expression regarding how the data object is being cast with the Yang expression to get back a new schema-driven object.

Another handy convention is to define/save the generated Yang.eval function as a type definition and re-use for multiple objects:

FooObject = (yang schema)
foo1 = (FooObject) {
    a: 'apple'
    b: 10
foo2 = (FooObject) {
    a: 'banana'
    b: 20

As the above example illustrates, the yang-js module takes a free-form approach when dealing with YANG schema statements. You can use any YANG statement as the top of the expression and parse it to return a corresponding YANG expression instance. However, only YANG expressions that represent a data element will eval to generate a new object (for obvious reasons).

parse (schema)

This call accepts a YANG schema string and returns a new Yang expression containing the parsed schema object and its sub-expression(s). It will perform syntactic and semantic parsing of the input YANG schema. If any validation errors are encountered, it will throw the appropriate error along with the context information regarding the error.

Below example in coffeescript demonstrates typical use:

yang = require 'yang-js'
model = yang.parse """
  module foo {
    description hello;
    container bar {
      leaf a { type string; }
      leaf b { type int8; }

For additional info regarding the Yang expression instance, check Class Yang documentation below.

compose (name, data)

This call accepts an arbitrary JS object and it will attempt to convert it into a structural Yang expression instance. It will analyze the passed in JS data and perform best match mapping to an appropriate YANG schema representation to describe the input data. This method will not be able to determine conditionals or any meta-data to further constrain the data, but it should provide a good starting point with the resulting Yang expression instance.

Below example in coffeescript demonstrates typical use:

yang = require 'yang-js'
model = yang.compose 'foo', {
    a: 'hello'
    b: 123
console.log model.toString()

The output of model.toString() looks as follows:

container foo {
  container bar {
    leaf a { type string; }
    leaf b { type number; }

Please note that compose detected the top-level YANG construct to be a simple container instead of a module. It will only auto-detect as a module if any of the properties of the top-level object contains a function or the passed-in object itself is a named function with additional properties.

Below example will auto-detect as module since a simple container cannot contain a function as one of its properties.

yang = require 'yang-js'
model = yang.compose 'foo', {
    a: 'hello'
    b: 123
  test: ->
console.log model.toString()

Applying compose on the yang-js library itself will produce the following:

yang.compose('yang', require('yang-js'));
{ kind: 'module',
  tag: 'yang',
  [ { kind: 'rpc', tag: 'parse' },
    { kind: 'rpc', tag: 'compose' },
    { kind: 'rpc', tag: 'require' },
    { kind: 'rpc', tag: 'register' } ],
  [ { kind: 'feature', tag: 'Yang' },
    { kind: 'feature', tag: 'Expression' },
    { kind: 'feature', tag: 'Registry' } ] }

This is a very handy facility to dynamically discover YANG schema mapping for any arbitrary asset being used (even NPM modules) so that you can qualify/validate the target resource for schema compliance.

You can also override the detected YANG construct as follows:

yang = require 'yang-js'
model = yang.compose 'foo', {
    a: 'hello'
    b: 123
}, kind: 'module'
console.log model.toString()

When you manually alter the Yang expression instance, it will internally trigger a check for scope validation and reject if the the change will render the current schema invalid. Basically, you can't simply change a container that contains other elements into a leaf or any other arbitrary kind.

For additional info regarding the Yang expression instance, check Class Yang documentation below.

require (filename)

This call provides a convenience mechanism for dealing with YANG schema module dependencies. It performs parsing of the YANG schema content from the specified filename and saves the generated Yang expression inside the internal Registry.

Once a given YANG module has been saved inside the Registry, subsequent parse of YANG schema that import the saved module will successfully resolve.

Typical usage scenario for this pattern is to internally define common modules such as ietf-yang-types which can then be imported by other schemas.

It will also return the new Yang expression instance (to do with as you please).

Below example in coffeescript demonstrates typical use:

yang = require 'yang-js'
dependency1 = yang.require './some-dependency.yang'
dependency2 = yang.require './some-other-dependency.yang'
model = yang.parse """
  module foo {
    import some-dependency { prefix sd; }
    import some-other-dependency { prefix sod; }

Please note that this method will look for the filename in current working directory of the script execution if the filename is a relative path.

This method also attempts to dynamically resolve import dependencies by looking for dependent YANG schema files in the same directory from which the require is being processed. It will append .yang extension to the import target-node identifier and attempt to recursively retrieve any dependencies currently not found inside the internal Registry.

While this is a convenient abstraction, it is recommended to use the below register function and use Node.js built-in require mechanism if possible as it will provide better handling when used with browserify.

register (opts={})

This call attempts to enable Node.js built-in require to handle .yang extensions natively. If this is available in your Node.js runtime, it is recommended to use this pattern rather than the above yang.require method. Internally, it uses the above yang.require method so it has the same handling behavior but also takes advantage of Node.js built-in require search-path for retreiving the target YANG schema.

This method simply attempts to associate .yang extension inside require facility and will return the yang-js module as-is.

Below example in coffeescript demonstrates typical use:

yang = (require 'yang-js').register()
dependency1 = require './some-dependency.yang'
dependency2 = require './some-other-dependency.yang'
dependency3 = require 'some-yang-app/some-app-module.yang'

Using this pattern ensures proper browserify generation as well as ability to load YANG schema files from other Node.js modules.

Class: Yang (Expression)

bind (data)

Every instance of Yang expression can be bound with control logic which will be used during eval to produce schema infused adaptive data object.

This facility can be used to associate default behaviors for any element in the configuration tree, as well as handler logic for various YANG statements such as rpc, feature, etc.

This call will return the original Yang Expression instance with the new bindings registered within the Yang Expression hierarchy.

Here's an example:

yang = require 'yang-js'
schema = """
  module foo {
    feature hello;
    container bar {
      leaf readonly {
        config false;
        type boolean;
    rpc test;
model = yang.parse(schema).bind {
  'feature:hello': -> # provide some capability
  '/bar/readonly': -> true
  'rpc:test': (input, resolve, reject) -> resolve "success"

In the above example, a key/value object was passed-in to the bind method where the key is a string that will be mapped to a Yang Expression contained within the expression being bound. It accepts XPATH-like expression which will be used to locate the target expression within the schema. The value of the binding must be a JS function, otherwise it will be silently ignored.

You can also bind a function directly to a given Yang Expression instance as follows:

yang = require 'yang-js'
model = yang.parse('rpc test;').bind (input, resolve, reject) -> resolve "ok"

Calling bind more than once on a given Yang Expression will replace any prior binding.

eval (data [, opts={}])

Every instance of Yang expression can be eval with arbitrary JS data input which will apply the schema against the provided data and return a schema infused adaptive data object.

This is an extremely useful construct which brings out the true power of YANG for defining and governing arbitrary JS data structures.

Here's an example:

var model = yang.parse('container foo { leaf a { type uint8; } }');
var obj = model.eval({ foo: { a: 7 } });
// obj is { foo: [Getter/Setter] }
// is { a: [Getter/Setter] }
// is 7

Basically, the input data will be YANG schema validated and converted to a schema infused adaptive data object that dynamically defines properties according to the schema expressions.

It currently supports the opts.adaptive parameter (default true) which establishes a persistent binding relationship with the underlying Yang expression instance.

What this means is that the eval generated output object will dynamically adapt to any changes to the underlying Yang expression instance. Refer to below extends section for additional info.

extends (schema...)

Every instance of Yang expression can be extends with additional YANG schema string(s) and it will automatically perform parse of the provided schema text and update itself accordingly.

This action also triggers an event emitter which will retroactively adapt any previously eval produced adaptive data object instances to react accordingly to the newly changed underlying schema expression(s).

Here's an example:

var model = yang.parse('container foo { leaf a; }');
var obj = model.eval({ foo: { a: 'bar' } });
// try assigning a new arbitrary property = 'hello';
// returns: undefined (since not part of schema)

Here comes the magic:

// extend the previous container foo expression with an additional leaf
model.extends('leaf b;') = 'hello';
// returns: 'hello' (since now part of schema!)

The extends mechanism provides interesting programmatic approach to dynamically modify a given Yang expression over time on a running system. This inherent facility is one of the key reasons for the recent forklift with the new yang-js 0.14.x branch.

toString (opts={ space: 2 })

The current Yang expression will covert back to the equivalent YANG schema text format.

At first glance, this may not seem like a useful facility since YANG schema text is generally known before parse but it becomes highly relevant when you consider a given Yang expression programatically changing via extends.

Currently it supports space parameter which can be used to specify number of spaces to use for indenting YANG statement blocks. It defaults to 2 but when set to 0, the generated output will omit newlines and other spacing for a more compact YANG output.

toObject ()

The current Yang expression will convert into a simple JS object format.

Using schema as below:

module foo {
  description "A Foo Example";
  container bar {
    leaf a {
      type string;
    leaf b {
      type uint8;

Result of yang.parse looks like:

{ kind: 'module',
  tag: 'foo',
   { kind: 'description',
     tag: 'A Foo Example' },
   [ { kind: 'container',
       tag: 'bar',
       leaf: [Object] } ] }

When the above Yang expression is converted toObject():

{ module: 
   { foo: 
      { description: 'A Foo Example',
          { bar: { leaf: { a: [Object], b: [Object] } } } } } }


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

$ npm install
$ npm test

Also refer to Compliance Report for the latest RFC 6020 YANG specification compliance. There's also active effort to support the latest YANG 1.1 draft specifications. You can take a look at the mocha test suite in the test directory for compliance coverage unit-tests and other examples.


Apache 2.0

This software is brought to you by Corenova. We'd love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to reach me at anytime with questions, suggestions, etc.


YANG parser and compiler







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  • CoffeeScript 76.3%
  • JavaScript 23.7%