VisionLoop is a simple, flexible, and intuitive framework for processing vision data in real-time applications for the Java Virtual Machine. Designed for robotics and computer vision tasks, this API simplifies the integration of image sources, processing pipelines, and user interactions.
- Fluent Interface: Build complex configurations easily with method chaining.
- Flexible Configuration: Configure image sources from various inputs and processing parameters dynamically.
- Event Handling: Easily respond to user interactions like viewport taps.
- Asynchronous Execution: Run vision loops without blocking the main thread.
- Testable: Designed with testability in mind, making unit testing straightforward.
- Java 11 or higher
- A build tool (e.g. Gradle, Maven)
Add the following dependency to your project:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.deltacv.visionloop:visionloop:1.1.0'
implementation 'com.github.deltacv.visionloop:streaming:1.1.0' // optional for streaming support
<dependency> <!-- optional for streaming support -->
VisionLoop implements the concepts of OpenFTC's OpenCvPipeline and VisionProcessor, allowing you to run them using the API. To learn how to use these interfaces, you may look into EOCV-Sim's documentation here.
Here’s a quick example of how to set up a vision loop with an image source and an AprilTag processor:
import io.github.deltacv.visionloop.AsyncVisionLoop;
import io.github.deltacv.visionloop.VisionLoop;
public class VisionLoopShowcase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var loop = VisionLoop.withWebcamIndex(0)
.then(AprilTagProcessor.easyCreateWithDefaults()) // Use an AprilTag processor to detect tags
.then((image) -> {
// Inline processing, image is a Timestamped<Mat> object.
// do some other stuff...
return image.getValue(); // Return the image to pass it to the next processor
.onViewportTapped(() -> System.out.println("Tapped!")) // Print a message when the viewport is tapped
.withLiveView() // Enable the live view to see the processed image in a window
.build(); // Build the vision loop
loop.runBlocking(); // Run the vision loop on this thread
// or, alternatively, to run the vision loop asynchronously:
// AsyncVisionLoop asyncLoop = loop.toAsync();
VisionLoop provides a few other methods to use other input sources...
// Image can be both a path to an image file or resource from the classpath
VisionLoop loop = VisionLoop.withImage("path/to/image.jpg")
Adding the additional "streaming" module to your project allows you to stream the processed image to a web server.
Make sure to add the dependency to your project as shown in the installation section.
Here's an example of how to set up a vision loop with a webcam source and an AprilTag processor, and stream the processed image to a web server:
import io.github.deltacv.visionloop.VisionLoop;
import io.github.deltacv.visionloop.sink.MjpegHttpStreamSink;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
public class VisionLoopMjpegStreamShowcase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var visionLoop = VisionLoop.withWebcamIndex(0)
// The MjpegHttpStreamerReceiver takes in a port and a size for the stream
.streamTo(new MjpegHttpStreamerReceiver(8080, new Size(640, 480)))
You can also add in an annotation name to the MjpegHttpStreamerReceiver constructor to display pipeline statistics
VisionLoop loop = ...
.streamTo(new MjpegHttpStreamerReceiver(8080, new Size(640, 480), "AprilTag Processor"))
Open the web server in any browser at http://localhost:8080
to view the stream.