Changed Direction with this framework... now resides at not maintaining this and part of the redo branch will become the baseline of Objectified Core
This is an attempt in order to get people thinking about templating differently... I mean lets be honest... the script tag being used the way it is with templates and such (while smart and understandable as to why it was done) is a hack...
- have to write it to work with all the different module types... I have only worked with browsers and straight node
properly deal with dataset property... that is easy... this will also be working on the style object as well...I think i got this right- do the same with classList property... pretty easy too...
- work with iterating through an array... thru binding the data...
- IE was working... until i did something... have to fix that...
More like why not... I am not a fan of where certain things are going on like with all these strings being processed on the fly by the client for example... I mean, I dont mind but I was like "you know what... since I always say what I say about all this new stuff happening in the JavaScript world, why dont I do anything about it"
Well here it is... This is me doing something about it...
Well, there was a project that I had to start at work. Since I didnt want to use anything that already exists because I partially hate them, this is what I did...
Umm... just do npm install... then do gulp... runs some tests while drawing a cat, then opens a server on 3001 and runs it... you can also run examples in node using the examples folder... so just go into that folder
cd examples
then run a js file like
node example.js or node example2.js
Objectified is nothing more then a template rendering engine if you will... it just returns documentfragments in which you can then append where ever you please... In a Node environment, I have lightly emulated the ability to create document fragments and elements... This is all done with JSON... so if you know how to properly build elements with javascript and understand the way it all works... This is nothing more then creating fragments or even whole documents with JSON...
Its pretty simple to explain so here is the first example
innerHTML:"some nice text"
That will obviously produce what is below
<p>some nice text</p>
You can either edit straight on the innerHTML, textContent/innerText or even do what is below...
text:"some header text"
That will obviously produce what is below
<div id="aNiceId">
<h1 class="someClass">some header text</h1>
}, {
"text":"some bull that is a h1"
"text":"well the p text"
The data object that is the second parameter is used to populate the template from the first parameter...
<h1>some bull that is a h1</h1>
<p>well the p text</p>
There is still alot more I have to do with this... but as with all things... its a process
I'll create a more understandable page with more examples but this will do for now...