This is modification of WOD-Mortal-charsheet from for New World of Darkness Disclamers all the same + it wouldn't be possible without awsome jehy's ( work
It is based on Mr Gone's character sheets ( so credit for design goes to him.
What I used for this character sheet:
- JQuery
- Bootstrap 3
- X-editable
- Jquery bar rating
You are free to fork this repository, make pull requests and make new character sheets - of cause, those will be added to web site.
Contents of the project:
- /barrating - Jquery bar rating, modified for printing.
- /css
- /dots.css - css for displaying dots. Suddenly, yeah?
- charlist.css - global css.
- list1.css,list2.css, etc - css, grouped by the number of the list.
- print.css - special styles for printing - hide elements, make font smaller, etc.
- fonts, img - self descriped folders.
- get - folder for ajax files which contain data for this sheet - for example, list of traits, attributes or skills.
- js - different javascript.
- images.js - used for handling images - uploading, removing.
- mode.js - used to switch from print mode to edit mode.
- x-editable - X-editable library without any modifications.
Of cause, for saving and loading your character sheet data you will need to publish your repositiry on and use it's api - but you will be able to develop anything without it.
Getting started:
- Clone \ Fork a project
- Put it on your web server
- Make sure that your your web server returns .json files with mime type "application/json"
- Open index.html
- All is fine? Begin editing!
Q: Why do you use images instead of backgrounds?
A: Because otherwise browsers don't allow to print background.