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A blockchain indexer built with DipDup protocol, providing real-time data indexing and querying capabilities for the protocol.l.

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License: MIT Python 3.12 DipDup 8.x

A blockchain indexer built with DipDup for protocol, providing real-time data indexing and querying capabilities.

πŸ“‹ Table of Contents

πŸ” Overview

This indexer leverages DipDup, a powerful indexing framework to efficiently process and index blockchain data, making it readily available for applications and analytics.

The indexer tracks key protocol components including AMM (Automated Market Maker) operations and Yield Farming activities, providing comprehensive data for DeFi applications.

✨ Features

  • Real-time Indexing: Process blockchain data as it's produced
  • Comprehensive Data Models: Track AMM and Yield Farming activities
  • Flexible Storage Options: Support for SQLite (development) and PostgreSQL (production)
  • Scalable Architecture: Designed to handle growing data volumes
  • Rich Query Capabilities: Access detailed protocol metrics and user positions
  • Production-Ready: Docker Compose setup for production deployments

πŸš€ Installation


  • Linux/macOS system (Windows users should use WSL)
  • Python 3.12
  • Basic Python environment (python3.12 -m ensurepip)

Quick Installation

The easiest way to get started is using our install script:

# Make the script executable
chmod +x

# Run the install script

This script will:

  1. Install Python 3.12 if not present
  2. Install pipx for managing Python applications
  3. Install DipDup CLI and PDM package manager
  4. Initialize the PDM project and create a virtual environment
  5. Install project dependencies
  6. Create initial .env file from template

Manual Installation

Alternatively, you can install components manually:

  1. Install DipDup using the official installer:
curl -Lsf | python3.12
  1. Set up the development environment:
# Install PDM if not already installed
pipx install pdm

# Initialize project and create virtual environment
pdm init --python 3.12 --lib
pdm venv create

# Install dependencies
pdm add "dipdup>=8,<9" --venv

# Activate virtual environment
$(pdm venv activate)

πŸ“Š Usage

Running the Indexer

You can run the indexer in several ways:

In-Memory SQLite (Development)

dipdup run

Persistent SQLite

# Set custom SQLite path (optional)
export SQLITE_PATH=/path/to/db.sqlite

# Run with SQLite config
dipdup -c . -c configs/dipdup.sqlite.yaml run

Docker Compose Stack (Production)

# Navigate to deploy directory
cd deploy

# Copy and configure environment variables
cp .env.default .env
# Edit .env file as needed

# Start the stack (PostgreSQL + Hasura)
docker-compose up

Configuration Options

The indexer can be configured through:

  • Environment variables
  • YAML configuration files
  • Command-line arguments

Key configuration files:

  • defi_space_indexer/dipdup.yaml: Main configuration file
  • defi_space_indexer/configs/dipdup.sqlite.yaml: SQLite-specific configuration
  • defi_space_indexer/configs/dipdup.compose.yaml: Docker Compose configuration
  • defi_space_indexer/env.example: Template for environment variables

Development Commands

The project includes a Makefile with useful commands for development:

# Install dependencies
make install

# Update dependencies
make update

# Format code
make format

# Lint code
make lint

# Build Docker image
make image

# Start Docker Compose stack
make up

# Stop Docker Compose stack
make down

πŸ—οΈ Architecture

Core Components

The indexer tracks two main protocol components:

AMM (Automated Market Maker)

  • Factory contract that creates and manages trading pairs
  • Trading pairs for token swaps
  • Liquidity positions and events
  • Swap events and pricing data

Yield Farming

  • Powerplant contract for managing farming pools
  • Reactor contracts for individual farming pools
  • User stakes and rewards
  • Staking and reward events

Project Structure

The defi_space_indexer package is organized as follows:

β”œβ”€β”€ abi/                  # Contract ABI definitions
β”œβ”€β”€ configs/              # Configuration variants
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ dipdup.sqlite.yaml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ dipdup.compose.yaml
β”‚   └── dipdup.swarm.yaml
β”œβ”€β”€ deploy/               # Deployment configurations
β”œβ”€β”€ handlers/             # Event handlers
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   └── ...
β”œβ”€β”€ hooks/                # Periodic jobs and callbacks
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   └── ...
β”œβ”€β”€ models/               # Data models
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   └──
β”œβ”€β”€ sql/                  # SQL queries
β”œβ”€β”€ types/                # Type definitions
β”œβ”€β”€ dipdup.yaml           # Main configuration
└── env.example           # Environment variables template

Key components:

  • Handlers: Process blockchain events (25+ event types)
  • Models: Define data structures for AMM and Farming
  • Hooks: Implement periodic jobs for metrics calculation
  • Configs: Provide different deployment configurations

πŸ’» API Examples

1. Get Most Profitable Pools

Find the most profitable pools based on fees, APY, and volume.

async function getMostProfitablePools(minTVL: u256 = 10000) {
    const pools = await Pair.find({
        tvl_usd: { $gt: minTVL }
    .sort({ apy_24h: -1 })
        token0_address: 1,
        token1_address: 1,
        volume_24h: 1,
        tvl_usd: 1,
        apy_24h: 1,
        accumulated_fees_token0: 1,
        accumulated_fees_token1: 1

    return => ({
        pair: `${pool.token0_address}-${pool.token1_address}`,
        volume24h: pool.volume_24h,
        tvl: pool.tvl_usd,
        apy: pool.apy_24h,
        totalFees: {
            token0: pool.accumulated_fees_token0,
            token1: pool.accumulated_fees_token1

2. Get User's Complete DeFi Position

Get a complete overview of a user's positions across both AMM and farming.

async function getUserPositions(userAddress: ContractAddress) {
    // Get AMM positions
    const lpPositions = await LiquidityPosition.find({
        user_address: userAddress,
        liquidity: { $gt: 0 }

    // Get farming positions
    const farmPositions = await UserStake.find({
        user_address: userAddress,
        staked_amount: { $gt: 0 }
        path: 'reactor',
        populate: { path: 'reward_data' }

    return {
        liquidityPositions: => ({
            pair: pos.pair_address,
            liquidity: pos.liquidity,
            value: pos.usd_value,
            returns: {
                apy: pos.apy_earned,
                deposits: {
                    token0: pos.deposits_token0,
                    token1: pos.deposits_token1
                withdrawals: {
                    token0: pos.withdrawals_token0,
                    token1: pos.withdrawals_token1
        farmingPositions: => ({
            farm: pos.reactor_address,
            staked: pos.staked_amount,
            pendingRewards: Object.entries(pos.rewards),
            canWithdraw: pos.penalty_end_time <= / 1000
        totalValueLocked: lpPositions.reduce((sum, pos) => sum + pos.usd_value, 0)

3. Protocol Overview

Get comprehensive protocol metrics for monitoring.

async function getProtocolOverview() {
    const [factory, powerplant] = await Promise.all([
        Factory.findOne().sort({ created_at: -1 }),
        Powerplant.findOne().sort({ created_at: -1 })

    // Get active pairs and reactors
    const [pairs, reactors] = await Promise.all([

    // Calculate overall metrics
    const totalAMMTVL = pairs.reduce((sum, p) => sum + p.tvl_usd, 0);
    const totalFarmTVL = powerplant.total_value_locked;
    const largestPool = pairs.reduce(
        (max, p) => p.tvl_usd > max.tvl ? { address:, tvl: p.tvl_usd } : max,
        { address: '', tvl: 0 }

    return {
        metrics: {
            totalValueLocked: totalAMMTVL + totalFarmTVL,
            activePairs: factory.num_of_pairs,
            activeFarms: powerplant.reactor_count,
            averageAPY: pairs.reduce((sum, p) => sum + p.apy_24h, 0) / pairs.length
        topPool: {
            address: largestPool.address,
            tvlShare: (largestPool.tvl / totalAMMTVL) * 100
        volume24h: pairs.reduce((sum, p) => sum + p.volume_24h, 0)

⚑ Performance Considerations

  • Hardware Requirements:

    • Minimum: 256 MB RAM, 1 CPU core
    • Recommended: 1GB+ RAM for average projects
    • Storage: Depends on indexed data volume
    • Note: RAM requirements increase with number of indexes
  • Optimization Tips:

    • Use appropriate database indexes for frequent queries
    • Consider sharding for large datasets
    • Monitor memory usage during sync operations
    • Use batch processing for high-volume operations

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


A blockchain indexer built with DipDup protocol, providing real-time data indexing and querying capabilities for the protocol.l.






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