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Technology Probe II
Two tests with separate groups in order to test the validity of a "music-sharing" experience. The central question of the testing procedure was "How do people react to listening to each other’s music?" The testing confirmed that a communal playlist had potential as a tool for experience-sharing with participants from different backgrounds and age-groups.
It should be noted that these tests were largely informal
Go to: 4.10.18 results | 11.10.18 results
- Inform participants, acquire consent
- Send out a google form to collect songs
- Create YouTube playlist from songs
- Get the group together and play the music.
As a tester, inform users who’s song is being played
These questions were used as a basis for for discussion
- How did you feel when your song was being played? Why?
- Would you pick different songs if you knew different people were going to be listening? Why?
- What did you think about listening to other people’s music? Did you ever want to change someone else’s song?
Results are based on observations, and significant points from the discussion
A group of peers, aged 18 - 25. No family connections
- Participants become nervous when their song was played.
- Most people enjoyed listening to other people's songs, but felt nervous when their song was being played.
- "I was afraid no one would like my music, or make fun of it."
- "I chose some songs that I knew people would like."
- Participants sang together for one song -- everyone knew it.
A family unit. Parents aged 50~, children aged 18 - 21
- "I picked a song I thought Mum would like." - younger son
- "I picked music to annoy you," - parent, referring to children
- One parent struggled with picking music under pressure
- "A surprisingly communal experience."
Signed consent forms contain sensitive information so it is not available on here publicly (available on request).
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