Combining the power of Cloudflare Workers and Google Drive will allow you to index your files on the browser on Cloudflare Workers.
This theme's goindex is currently based on yanzai/goindex
- Video Player - | mp4 | webm | avi | mpg | mpeg | mkv | rm | rmvb | mov | wmv | asf | ts | flv
- Music Player - | mp3 | flac | wav | ogg | m4a
- Document Viewer - | html | php | css | go | java | js | json | txt | sh | md | pdf
- Image Viewer - | bmp | jpg | jpeg | png | gif
- Multi-level Search within default and team/shared drives
- Multi drive encryption
- Mobile Friendly
- Page-level caching, browser forward and backward without reloading
- Dark Theme
- Main Color:
- red | pink | purple | deep-purple | indigo | blue | light-blue | cyan | teal | green | light-green | lime yellow | amber orange | deep-orange | brown | greyblue-grey
- Accent Color:
- red | pink | purple | deep-purple | indigo | blue | light-blue | cyan | teal | green | light-green | lime | yellow | amber | orange | deep-orange
- Open
- After creating project or if you already have one.
- Click create credentials.
- Select OAuth client ID.
- Select Web application.
- Give it a name. (anything for your own reference)
- In Authorized JavaScript origins add
- In Authorized redirect URIs add
- Save and note down your Client ID and Secret
- Open
- On Right Top Side click on Setting Icon
- Click on Use your own OAuth credentials.
- Enter OAuth Client ID: and OAuth Client secret:
- Now back to same page left side Step 1 i.e. Select & authorize APIs
- Find Drive API v3
- Select First Option i.e.
- Click on Authorize API. and give permissions using your google account.
- It will turn to Step 2 Exchange authorization code for tokens at the end of authentication.
- Click on Exchange authorization code for tokens, if it goes to step 3, click on Step 2 yourself.
- Select the option Auto-refresh the token before it expires.
- Copy the refresh token and paste in Line 8 of along with your own Client ID and Secret at Line 6 and Line 7.
- Copy the Code and paste it into Site.
const uiConfig = {
"hide_madewithlove": false, // Set this to true if you want to hide made-with-love text at the bottom of the page.
"helpURL": "", // Provide the URL of the help page(instructions for using the index). Leave this empty if you want to hide the help icon. Providing a URL will open the help page in a new tab. (You can use to write instructions)