A social network / marketplace app featuring local events.
- Product Owner: Christine
- Scrum Master: David
- Development Team Members: Will, Tae
Some usage instructions in one terminal window run mysql.server start after this open another terminal window and start your express server then go back to the mysql.server termianl and run mysql -u root < schema.sql that adds the new database 'rezzy' in another termianl window 3 run mysql -u root SHOW DATABASES;
- Node 0.0x
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Angular (Material, ui-router)
- Leaflet (ui-leaflet)
- Passport (Passport-facebook)
- Express
- Fontawesome
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
login.html initial state of the app and requires users to facebook login to access app
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.