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.NET Core Desktop CodeQL Codacy Security Scan SecurityCodeScan

Extensions for C# classes

bool IsNull(this object)

Returns true, if the passed object is null, otherwise false

bool IsNotNull(this object)

Returns true, if the passed object is not null, otherwise false

void ForAll(this IEnumerable source, Action action)

Executes action for each element. No exception, if enumeration or action is null

void Times(this int count, Action action)

Executes action n times. No exception, if action is null

void EqualJsonCheck(this object, object toCompare)

Compares two objects by serializing them to json string and throws exception if not

bool IsEqualJson(this object, object toCompare)

Compares two objects by serializing them to json string and returns bool

string ExpEnv(this string)

Shortcut for Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables

bool IsEmpty(this IEnumerable value)

Checks if a IEnumerable is empty

bool IsNotEmpty(this IEnumerable value)

Checks if a IEnumerable is not empty

bool IsNullOrEmpty(this IEnumerable value)

Checks if a IEnumerable is null or empty

bool IsNotNullOrEmpty(this IEnumerable value)

Checks if a IEnumerable is not null or empty

string UseFormat(this string text, params string[] @params)

Uses string.Format to replace placeholder values

T Pop<T>(this IList<T> source)

Returns the last element of the list and removes it from the list

T Shift<T>(this IList<T> source)

Returns the first element of the list and removes it from the list

void Unshift<T>(this IList<T> source, T toAdd)

Adds toAdd at the first position of source

byte[] ToByteArray(this Stream stream)

Retruns a byte[] from a stream

Stream ToStream(this byte[] byteArray)

Retruns a stream from a byte[]

bool None(this IEnumerable source, Func<T, bool> predicate = null)

Equivalent to !source.Any(predicate) / !source.Any()


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