Returns true, if the passed object is null, otherwise false
Returns true, if the passed object is not null, otherwise false
Executes action for each element. No exception, if enumeration or action is null
Executes action n times. No exception, if action is null
Compares two objects by serializing them to json string and throws exception if not
Compares two objects by serializing them to json string and returns bool
Shortcut for Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables
Checks if a IEnumerable is empty
Checks if a IEnumerable is not empty
Checks if a IEnumerable is null or empty
Checks if a IEnumerable is not null or empty
Uses string.Format to replace placeholder values
Returns the last element of the list and removes it from the list
Returns the first element of the list and removes it from the list
Adds toAdd at the first position of source
Retruns a byte[] from a stream
Retruns a stream from a byte[]
Equivalent to !source.Any(predicate) / !source.Any()