git clone
./dotfiles/ # symlink dotfiles, making dated backups of existing versions
user = ddopson
name = Dave Dopson
email =
helper = cache
Add Software:
- Install Dvorak
- Install iTerm2.
- "Appearance=>Show per-pane title bar"=false
- "Profiles=>Terminal=>Scrollback"=20000
- "Profiles=>Terminal=>Silence Bell"=true
- "Profiles=>Session=>Prompt Before Closing"=Always
- "Pointer=>Focus Follows Mouse"=true
- Install Spotify
- Install Divvy - App Store
Map CapsLock => Escape (useful for my Vim bindings):
- "Keyboard" => "Keyboard Shortcuts..." => "Modifier Keys"
Disable trigger-happy trackpad actions:
- Trackpad => "Tap to click" = false
- Trackpad => "More Gestures" tab => "Swipe between pages" = Off
From, "Generate new token" and create a classic token.
Running git push
prompts for username (eg, "") and password. Provide the secret token as the password.
This caches the token in the repo (maybe?), such that subsequent pushes work.