Dcoder CLI allows you to manage blocks from your desktop.
$ npm i -g @dcodermobile/dcoder-cli
Let's create a new project:
$ mkdir new-block
$ cd new-block
Connect it with dcoder:
$ dcoder-cli block init
Block created successfully
Please make sure that your index.js file contains below function
* Write code here, must await the results using async await.
* Do not use promises .then or callback functions.
* Do not use try catch, Dcoder does error handling for you.
const main = async(inputs, auths, context) => {
console.log('Input provided : '+ inputs.item)
return inputs.item
module.exports.main = main
Initialising connection...
Connection established successfully.
Syncing data...
Data synced successfully.
Run it using CLI:
$ dcoder-cli block run
Initialising connection...
Connection established successfully.
Syncing changes...
Changes synced successfully.
Running block...
item Chair
result Chair
$ dcoder login
$ dcoder-cli block init
dcoder-cli block init:existing
$ dcoder-cli block run
$ dcoder-cli block sync
$ dcoder-cli block publish
$ dcoder-cli block update-info
supported flags for update info
$ dcoder-cli block update-info -h
Usage: dcoder-cli block update-info [options]
Update block info
--title [value] Block title
--description [value] Block description
--tags [value] Block tags(comma seperated)
--auto-install-package [value] Auto install package config(true/false)
-h, --help display help for command
$ dcoder-cli block authentication:add
$ dcoder-cli block authentication:link
$ dcoder-cli block authentication:unlink
$ dcoder-cli block run-command:list
$ dcoder-cli block run-command:run
$ dcoder-cli block version:create
$ dcoder-cli block version:list
$ dcoder-cli authentication
My Authentications
1 Github (28/1/2022, 12:08:57 pm)
2 Github (28/1/2022, 1:56:58 am)
3 Google Calendar (25/1/2022, 5:00:28 pm)
4 Github (25/1/2022, 2:10:25 pm)
5 Github (25/1/2022, 2:04:18 pm)
6 Jira (14/1/2022, 8:00:18 pm)
7 Slack (21/12/2021, 4:48:19 pm)
8 Google Search Console (28/11/2021, 6:13:54 pm)
9 Google Analytics (27/11/2021, 3:50:54 pm)
10 Google Analytics (27/11/2021, 3:45:06 pm)
11 Github (28/1/2022, 12:08:57 pm)
12 Github (28/1/2022, 1:56:58 am)
13 Google Calendar (25/1/2022, 5:00:28 pm)
Explore the command-line interface at your leisure:
$ dcoder-cli -h
Usage: dcoder-cli [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
block Block commands
login Login to dcoder
authentication List user authentications
help [command] display help for command