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Update and edit Configuring Permissions in Sys Admin Guide
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- Write new intro
- Describe policy files and policy dir
- Note that you can log yourself out of Identity settings if you're not careful
- Correct the sawtooth identity command name (it's not identity-tp)
- Delete future-design paragraph at end
- Add links to relevant info
- Number procedure steps
- Fix formatting throughout (including changing indents)


- Correct the first "sawset proposal create" command to start with sudo,
  include the --key option

  Also: use fancy $(cat ...) syntax to provide the user's actual public key
  and add a note that this command MUST be run on the "genesis node"

- Replace the second "sawset proposal create" command to refer to
  the first one (the procedure assumes it has already been done)

Signed-off-by: Anne Chenette <>
  • Loading branch information
Anne Chenette authored and annechenette committed Sep 28, 2018
1 parent 7a8f96a commit 846b737
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 112 deletions.

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