Generates bulk configuration for Cisco configurations
This script will take an excel file along with any number of template configuration files and generate a single bulk configuration file which can be manually or automatically (via SSH) loaded into a box.
An example file is included in this project, there are a few key components:
- Excel top row is cosmetic. Use this to give a human readable name to your columns
- Excel second row is the variable names used in the template file. E.g. a field called 'vlan' will be referred to in the template as '{vlan}'.
- All subsequent excel rows should contain data.
- If a field is in the spreadsheet but not referred to in the template - this is fine. It's just ignored
- If a field is in the template but doesn't exist in the spreadsheet an error will be raised. Either remove the entry in the template or populate the spreadsheet correctly.
- Multiple templates can be generated simultaneously, if SSH is used these templates will ALL be applied. If generating a configuration & and undo configuration do not use SSH! The configuration will be applied then immediately removed! Run two instances, or do not use SSH.
dchidell@dchidell-mac:bulk config generator$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--push-config] [-i ipaddr] [-p portnumber]
[-u username] [-pw password] [-t device_type]
[-s sheetname] [-o filename] [-f]
spreadsheet.xlsx template.txt [template.txt ...]
Processes an excel file and uses excel entries to substitute configuration
positional arguments:
spreadsheet.xlsx This is the excel file containing the data we wish to
template.txt This is the template file to use. As many template
files as you like can be used.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--push-config If this option is set we will attempt to push config
to a specified switch
-i ipaddr, --ip-address ipaddr
This is the IP / hostname of the switch you want to
push the config to.
-p portnumber, --port portnumber
The SSH port number.
-u username, --username username
The SSH username.
-pw password, --password password
The SSH password.
-t device_type, --device-type device_type
The type of device. Choices: cisco_ios, cisco_nxos,
cisco_xr, cisco_asa, cisco_xe, cisco_tp, cisco_s300
-s sheetname, --sheet sheetname
Sets the sheet name to use (defaults to active sheet
if not specified)
-o filename, --once filename
Reads the specified file and runs the commands once
only for each SSH session. (Only applicable when using
SSH to a box)
-f, --feedback Displays the result of pushing commands to a router.
Written by David Chidell (