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UTxO selection benchmark

Along with the UTxO selection library we provide utxo selection algorithms benchmarking library. This library includes:

  • carp events fetcher & filter -- the tool that takes events from carp database, so the algorithms can be benchmarked using them
  • benchmarking tool itself

This library can be used to compare the algorithms: how they behave, how they affect the fees, what will be the final utxo sets and so on.

Core principles

Core principle of the library is modularity. To conduct an experiment you will need to define:

  • Main input selection algorithm
  • Change balancing algorithm (not mandatory)
  • Transaction fee estimator
  • Data mapper (how to convert ids of credentials/asset names to sth real if it's needed)
  • Staking keys ids in which you're interested
  • Paths of benchmarking results

Single address benchmarking


To fetch events for single address you will need:

  • blockfrost api key
  • carp deployment

Step by step guide:

  1. Patch configs/blockfrost_fetcher by providing your api key and address:
key: <enter your key>
address: <your cardano address>
txs_output_path: address_transactions.txt
retries: 5
  1. Create a folder for events: mkdir my_events && cd my_events
  2. Run cargo run --release --example blockfrost_fetcher -- --config-path ../configs/blockfrost_fetcher.yml
  3. Wait until my_events/address_transactions.txt file is populated with the transaction ids related to your address
  4. Patch configs/carp_single_address_fetcher by providing carp credentials:
  type: postgres
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  user: carp
  password: carpdb
  db: carp

payment_creds_mapping: payment_credentials.mapping
staking_creds_mapping: staking_credentials.mapping
policy_mapping: policy_id.mapping
asset_name_mapping: asset_name.mapping

unparsed_transactions: unparsed_transactions.txt
banned_addresses: banned_addresses.txt

events_output_path: raw_events.ev
input_transactions_path: address_transactions.txt
  1. Run cargo run --release --example carp_single_address_fetcher -- --config-path ../configs/carp_single_address_fetcher.yml
  2. The script will show sth like:
2023-03-28T01:57:51.760391Z  INFO carp_single_address_fetcher: Connection success
2023-03-28T02:00:18.942242Z  INFO carp_single_address_fetcher: Parsing finished, dumping files
2023-03-28T02:00:18.942283Z  INFO carp_single_address_fetcher: Total unparsed transactions: 0
2023-03-28T02:00:19.279139Z  INFO carp_single_address_fetcher: Dumping finished
  1. If there're unparsed transactions -- please remove them from the list and submit an issue to us (if the transaction is not related to byron address / buggy addresses)
    1. Besides, the script would generate files with mappings and events in the same my_events folder
  2. Now create a folder bench_result and patch configs/run_benchmark to choose the algorithm you prefer:
  events_path: "raw_events.ev"
  output_insolvent: "bench_result/insolvent_addresses.txt"
  output_discarded: "bench_result/discarded_addresses.txt"
  output_balance: "bench_result/balances.txt"
  output_balance_short: "bench_result/short_stats.txt"
  utxos_path: "bench_result/final_utxos.txt"

  type: largest_first
#  type: thermostat

  type: single_change

# thermostat estimator is optimized for native scripts
#  type: thermostat
#  network: mainnet
#  plan_path: "events/milkomeda_events/multisig.script"

  type: cml_estimator
  magic: "mainnet.cardano-evm.c1"
  plan_path: "events/milkomeda_events/multisig.script"

# the most advanced mapper which works with cml estimator well
  type: cml_mapper
  payment_key_path: "payment_credentials.mapping"
  staking_key_path: "staking_credentials.mapping"
  policy_id_path: "policy_id.mapping"
  asset_name_path: "asset_name.mapping"
  network: 1
  default_address: "addr1qx2kd28nq8ac5prwg32hhvudlwggpgfp8utlyqxu6wqgz62f79qsdmm5dsknt9ecr5w468r9ey0fxwkdrwh08ly3tu9sy0f4qd"

# staking key id which you want to monitor
keys_of_interest: [9999999]

# specify if you want to use separate change algo
allow_balance_change: true
  1. Make sure to specify the id of your staking key in the aforementioned config. You can easily identify it in raw_events.ev. get_address_from_staking_credentials script can help you as well.
  2. Run cargo run --release --example run_benchmark -- --config-path ../configs/run_benchmark.yml
    1. If the execution went well you will see sth like:
2023-03-28T04:08:25.738422Z  INFO utxo_selection_benchmark::bench: Total converged addresses: 1
2023-03-28T04:08:25.738435Z  INFO utxo_selection_benchmark::bench: Total insolvent addresses: 1532
2023-03-28T04:08:25.738437Z  INFO utxo_selection_benchmark::bench: Total banned addresses: 233
  1. In my_events/bench_result you will see multiple files:
    1. balances.txt -- contains balances of converged addresses
    2. discarded_addresses.txt -- contains the staking key ids which were excluded from consideration due to a) interest b) participation in insolvent txs
    3. final_utxos.txt -- contains final utxo sets of the addresses of interest. In the end of file you will find short aggregation like:
      1. total greater than 10: 11831
      2. total less than 10: 6354
    4. insolvent_addresses.txt -- contains the staking key ids which were insolvent during experiment
    5. short_stats.txt -- contains short stats

Multi address benchmarking

The library provides an option to conduct an experiment on the whole blockchain (since shelley era). Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Patch configs/carp_fetcher.yml:
  type: postgres
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  user: carp
  password: carpdb
  db: carp

tx_per_page: 4096

payment_creds_mapping: payment_credentials.mapping
staking_creds_mapping: staking_credentials.mapping
policy_mapping: policy_id.mapping
asset_name_mapping: asset_name.mapping

banned_addresses: banned_addresses.txt
unparsed_transactions: unparsed_transactions.txt

events_output_path: raw_events.ev
cleaned_events_output_path: cleaned_events.ev
  1. Create folder for events: mkdir my_events && cd my_events
  2. Run cargo run --release --example carp_fetcher -- --config-path ../configs/carp_fetcher.yml
  3. You will get the events in cleaned_events.ev file
  4. In case you face unsupported transactions - collect the addresses that participate in them into a file called unparsed_transaction_addresses.txt
    1. Patch configs/finish_events_parsing.yml (same format as other configs)
    2. Run cargo run --release --example finish_events_parsing -- --config-path ../configs/finish_events_parsing.yml
    3. These addresses will be excluded from mappings, events list and so on
  5. Run the benchmark like in section above
    1. Don't forget to empty keys_of_interest field in the config. Otherwise, only addresses from that list will participate in the benchmark.


  • Byron addresses / byron transactions are not supported
  • If the transaction has inputs from > 1 staking keys it is considered invalid and these keys won't participate in the experiment
    • This was done to identify for sure which address should be used for changes
  • Not so many sources of events are supported right now
  • Addresses without staking key are not supported, but it can be fixed easily by following replacement:
    • sed -i '' "s/\[0,null\]/\[0,9999999\]/gi" my_events/raw_events.ev
    • Here 0 is id of your payment key, 9999999 will be your fake staking key
    • If you're using cml_mapper -- add string like that into staking_credentials.mapping file and increment the number on the first line of this file:
      • "8200581c49f14106ef746c2d3597381d1d5d1c65c91e933acd1baef3fc915f0b":9999999

We're always open for contributions, if you want to participate in the project in any way please let us know


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