Recipes to build ALICE SW
- Keep things simple (but concise).
- Use 2 spaces to indent them.
- Try avoid "fix typo" commits and squash history whenever makes sense.
- Avoid touching $SOURCEDIR. If your recipe needs to compile in source, first copy them to $BUILDIR via:
rsync -a $SOURCEDIR ./
Whenever you need to build a new external, you should consider the following:
If a Git / GitHub mirror exists, and no patches are required, use it for the package source.
If a Git / GitHub repository exists and you need to patch it, fork it, decide a fork point, possibly based on a tag or eventually a commit hash, and create a branch in your fork called
. This can be done with:git checkout -b alice/<fork-point> <fork-point>
patches should be applied on such a branch.
If no git repository is available, or if mirroring the whole repository is not desirable, create a repository with a
branch. On the master branch import relevant released tarballs, one commit per tarball. Make sure you tag the commit with the tag of the tarball. E.g.:git clone curl -O tar xzvf mysoft-version.tar.gz rsync -a --delete --exclude '**/.git' mysoft-version/ mysoft/ cd mysoft git add -A . git commit -a -m 'Import<version>.tar.gz' git tag <version>
In case you need to add a patch on top of a tarball, create a branch with:
git checkout -b alice/<version> <version>
and add your patches on such a branch.
Do not create extra branches unless you do need to patch the original sources.