An Excel formula language parser, written in Typescript
Paraformula is available via NPM:
$ npm install --save paraformula
Paraformula has one dependency, the Parsecco combinator library. Parsecco itself has no dependencies.
Paraformula allows you to parse Excel formula expressions into an AST.
import { Paraformula } from "paraformula";
const ast = Paraformula.parse('=COUNTIFS(C5:C14,"red",D5:D14,"tx")');
returns an AST on success, otherwise it throws an exception. A complete, runnable Node version of the above program is in the examples/simple
directory. To run it:
$ cd example/simple
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
which prints something like:
"tag": "FunctionApplication",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"name": "COUNTIFS",
"tag": "ReferenceRange",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "Range",
"tag": "Address",
"row": 5,
"column": 3,
"rowMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"colMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"tag": "Env",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "Address",
"row": 14,
"column": 3,
"rowMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"colMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"tag": "Env",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "StringLiteral",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"value": "red",
"tag": "ReferenceRange",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "Range",
"tag": "Address",
"row": 5,
"column": 4,
"rowMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"colMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"tag": "Env",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "Address",
"row": 14,
"column": 4,
"rowMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"colMode": { "tag": "RelativeAddress" },
"tag": "Env",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"tag": "StringLiteral",
"path": "",
"workbookName": "",
"worksheetName": "",
"value": "tx",
"arity": { "num": 2 },
Paraformula has the ability to parse a partial Excel expression.
Paraformula can also extract all of a formula's references, either addresses or ranges.
Stay tuned.