Using instagrapi
Currently my biggest problem is being able to recognize when the bot account receives and DM and how to get the information from the DM. If anyone has any experience with this or the instagrapi in general please feel to contact me for colleboration.
I have several improvements to the code in my mind but its very much still a WIP. This is also probably my first serious project so perfection is not nessesary, if perceftion in code even exists...
I apperiacte and welcome any tips, the bot currently works with 2 fuctions, (1)search for a post with hashtag and (2)upload it with random captions. It can upload any type of media but Im pretty sure an album with video in it causes issues. There is also funcitons to check if the post has already been uploaded.
To use this bot you need to make a couple extrafiles I have hidden in .gitignore for privacy, like the CREDENTIALS.txt for your bot account, Media Downloads folder for temporary downloads,session.json to store the login session so its harder for instagram to detect you as a bot, and UsedMemes.txt to store IDs of used posts.
IMO the bot is pretty good at not getting detected as of 01/05/23 (May 1st) but it is reccomended to use a proxy service.