Scripts analyse data from league of legends json files and scripts to scrape match data files and match timeline files from RIOT api
Contains 11,000 match data files(/jsons) and their respective timeline file(/jsons/timeline) along with the code to generate your own more up to date data set. - scrapes match data files from the riot games API and at the same time does an analysis on the best champions for First Blood. - scrapes the matching timeline files from the match files (from publicScape) - Calculates First blood rates of synergy between champions from your data set (e.g. When Lee Sin and Shen are on the same team they have a 50% first blood rate). - Takes a match link as input and gets the relevant match and timeline data and storing them in .json's.
This is where the data and scripts for pro games (LCK, LMS, EULCS, NALCS) is. and - Champion analysis of chance of each champion's team getting first blood / first dragon. and - Analysis of change of getting first blood / dragon on blue vs red side.
by David Weatherall