CausalSHAP (Causal SHApley Additive imPacts) is a game theoretic approach to explain the causal impact of any variable in a machine learning model. It follows directly from the ideas in shap ( from Lundberg et al.
Modification to SHAP (CausalSHAP™) that could give us member-level impact scores:
Basically, as opposed to averaging the change in model score of adding a feature F to the model with the value it has in the data, instead average the difference in adding as 1 as opposed to adding as 0 (assuming a binary treatment variable).
More detail:
Assuming binary feature
Current SHAP (simplified) with current impact methodology
For each member
For each ordered subset of features
$S$ excluding feature$i$ , calculate the change in model score$m_{ijS}$ by adding feature$j$ with data value$v_{ij}$ to$S$ -
Take weighted average of
$m_{ijS}$ over all$S$ (weighting based on some kernel, in practice this is sampled etc) ==> result is$Shap_{ij}$ (value of feature$i$ to member$j$ ) -
$m_{ij}$ over all$j$ to get$m_i$ , which is average shap value of feature$i$ over members,$Shap_i$
For each member
For each ordered subset of features
$S$ excluding feature$i$ , calculate the change in model score$m_{ijS,0}$ by adding feature$i$ with data value$0$ to$S$ -
calculate the change in model score
$m_{ijS,1}$ by adding feature$i$ with data value$1$ to$S$ -
calculate the impact value
$m_{ijS} == m_{ijS,1} - m_{ijS,0}$ -
Take weighted average of
$m_{ijS}$ over all$S$ (weighting based on some kernel, in practice this is sampled etc) ==> result is$CausalShapImpact_{ij}$ (impact of toggling feature$i$ to member$j$ ) -
Impact Score: Average
$CausalShapImpact_{ij}$ over all members$j$ to get$CausalShapImpact_i$
So basically instead of just finding the average impact of adding feature as it exists in the data, find the average impact of it being 1 vs it being 0.