MVP — scrapes html for <a> (you can adapt this) with href including mp4. Includes browser bookmarklet to pop up a window to play videos. Helps you skip ads.
###Installation: Include a bookmarklet as per bookmarklet.txt, you can use the test server to load the latest code (uptime not guaranteed) Advanced: Drop this file onto your web server and amend the bookmarklet code to reflect it
###Purpose: Scrape web page to find unique <a href="*.mp4"/>, magically generate html5 video player and play the video. Skip irritating pre-buffer ads on your local news website... if they use mp4 video!
###Todo: Make it much more general
- find m4v/ogv/etc.
- find mp4(etc) urls embedded in javascript etc.
- possibly stop/mute the jwplayer (or whatever) the video is being driven by originally
- gauge popularity of avoiding the popup window, overlay an iframe instead??
- Feel free to contribute solutions to this if you like.
###Notes: This is a MVP release - minimum viable product
###Contact: djlowry at google mail dot com