This is a Ruby wrapper around CampaignMonitor API( using SOAP.
An account with Campaign Monitor and the API Key (
This gem requires the following gems:
Soap4r (1.5.8) Jeweler (
sudo gem install gnumarcelo-campaigning -s
require 'campaigning' CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY = '_put_here_your_api_key_'
This gem provides a set of classes to access all available information on Campaign Monitor.
These are the list of classes:
Campaigning, Campaigning::Client, Campaigning::Campaign, Campaigning::List and Campaigning::Subscriber
The examples below assumes you have set CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY constant with your Campaign monitor API.
Sample use of the Client class:
#Here is how to get a list of all clients... clients = Campaigning::Client.get_all_clients #Here is how to create a brand new subscriber list for an Client client = Campaigning::Client.find_by_name("Client One Company") list = Campaigning::List.create!( :clientID => client.clientID, :title => "List of people from Brazil", :confirmOptIn => false )
For further examples please check at the sample directory.
If you found a bug in the Campaigning wrapper, it’s easy to report it on the like below:
Copyright © 2009 Marcelo Menezes. See LICENSE for details.