Trying out Blazor for the first time? Demo this app for first-time introduction. Dedicated to all Blazor-first events in Nigeria 🇳🇬
Blazor is a feature of ASP.NET, the popular web development framework that extends the .NET developer platform with tools and libraries for building interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries.
.NET Foundation projects are well maintained, easy to adopt, and have great documentation. However, Javascript can be a subtle language for .NET teams to take on in a short time-frame for building out rapidly scaling modern web apps. Blazor can be quite the alternative.
Before continuing to run this project on your local workstation, make sure you have the following Software setup:
- .NET SDK 6.0x (preferred)
- Visual Studio Code
- .NET Extension Pack for VS Code (optional)
For more information, visit Blazor Tutorial - Build your first Blazor app.
- Fork the FirstBlazorApp GitHub repo to your GitHub account.
- Clone on your local machine: Replace
with your GitHub usernamegit clone<yourusername>/FirstBlazorApp.git
- The following details are the file structure of your cloned repository:
-| BlazorApp -| bin -| Data -| obj -| Pages -| _Host.cshtml -| Counter.razor -| Error.cshtml -| Error.cshtml.cs -| FetchData.razor -| Index.razor -| Properties -| Shared -| MainLayout.razor -| MainLayout.razor.css -| NavMenu.razor -| NavMenu.razor.css -| SurveyPrompt.razor -| wwwroot -| _Imports.razor -| App.razor -| appsettings.Development.json -| appsettings.json -| BlazorApp.csproj -| Program.cs -| LICENSE -|
- Open with VS Code
cd FirstBlazorApp code .
- Open a new Terminal in VS Code. You are looking for the
folder:- Enter the directory
cd BlazorApp
- Run the application
If you installed the extension, you can run
dotnet watch
debug mode
by pressingF5
on your keyboard.
- Enter the directory
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See here
To be able to achieve this, you need to have completed the following modules on Microsoft Learn:
This repository is meant to be utilized by the instructor/facilitator for educational purposes. Participants are meant to follow along the instructor's guide during the event.
Version: 0.0.2