Use your regular django forms ( to create extjs4 forms in your formpanels on the fly.
This is taken, in large part, from []
Stuff in the Static folder should go into an area that can be read by your html/javascript. (ie wherever you usually put your javascript/css/images).
The stuff in the src directory can be manually manipulated or you can use (usual commands).
# the django
from django_extjs4_forms.forms import ExtJsForm
# the form definition (could also be a ModelForm)
class ContactForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(label='your name')
phone = forms.CharField(label='phone number', required = False)
mobile_type = forms.CharField(label='phone type', required = True)
mobile_type.choices = [
,('SYMBIAN','Symbian (nokia)')
email = forms.EmailField(label='your email', initial='')
message = forms.CharField(label='your message', widget = forms.widgets.Textarea(attrs={'cols':15, 'rows':5}))
# the
def contact_form(request, path = None):
cform = ContactForm
ExtJsForm.addto(cform) # new methods added to the form
if request.method == 'POST':
# handle form submission
form = cform(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return utils.JsonError(form.html_errorlist())
# send your email
print 'send a mail'
return utils.JsonResponse(utils.JSONserialise({
'messages': [{'message':'OK'}]
}) )
# handle form display
form = cform(initial={'name':request.user})
return utils.JsonResponse(utils.JSONserialise(form.as_extjsfields()))
# the javascript (ExtJs 4) :
new Ext.ux.django.DjangoForm({
,intro:'Pick a role'
,showSuccessMessage:'Form submission success'
,submitSuccess: function(){
//stuff to put on success if this is a window or something like that
//by default it just displays a dialog box for confirmation. overriding is a good thing.
,callback:function(form) {
submitSuccess:function() {} -- by default, displays a message box as confirmation. submitError:function() {} -- by default, displays message box with error.
These are things you should return instead of the usual render:
JsonResponse(JSONserialise(RoleForm().as_extjsfields())) - spits out a form (RoleForm()) as extjs elements. Usually for rendering the form.
JsonError(RoleForm(request.POST).html_errorlist()) - spits out the form with the errors built-in.
JsonResponse(JSONserialise({'success':True,'messages': [{'message':'OK'}]}) ) - success. 'messages' is ignored if you're overriding submitSuccess.