UwU Cafe job for Gabz UwU Cat Cafe map for QBCore
-- MT (UwuCafe Stuff)
-- Ingredients
["pacote-leite"] = {["name"] = "pacote-leite", ["label"] = "Milk Pack", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "leite.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["barra-manteiga"] = {["name"] = "barra-manteiga", ["label"] = "Butter Bar", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "manteiga.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["pacote-farinha"] = {["name"] = "pacote-farinha", ["label"] = "Flour Package", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "farinha.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["barra-chocolate"] = {["name"] = "barra-chocolate", ["label"] = "Chocolate Bar", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "chocolate.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["caixa-morangos"] = {["name"] = "caixa-morangos", ["label"] = "Strawberries Box", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "morangos.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["limao"] = {["name"] = "limao", ["label"] = "Lemon", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "limao.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["pacote-natas"] = {["name"] = "pacote-natas", ["label"] = "Package of Cream", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "natas.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["leite-condensado"] = {["name"] = "leite-condensado", ["label"] = "Condensed Milk", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "condensado.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["extrato-baunilha"] = {["name"] = "extrato-baunilha", ["label"] = "Vanilla Extract", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "baunilha.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["pacote-acucar"] = {["name"] = "pacote-acucar", ["label"] = "Sugar Pack", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "acucar.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["frasco-nutela"] = {["name"] = "frasco-nutela", ["label"] = "Jar of Nutella", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "nutela.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["pacote-oreo"] = {["name"] = "pacote-oreo", ["label"] = "Oreo Pack", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "oreo.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["extrato-menta"] = {["name"] = "extrato-menta", ["label"] = "Mint Extract", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "menta.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["caixa-amoras"] = {["name"] = "caixa-amoras", ["label"] = "Box of Blackberries", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "amoras.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["graos-cafe"] = {["name"] = "graos-cafe", ["label"] = "Coffee Beans", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "graoscafe.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["frango"] = {["name"] = "frango", ["label"] = "Chicken", ["weight"] = 1500, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "frango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
-- Foods
["cupcake-morango"] = {["name"] = "cupcake-morango" ["label"] = "Strawberry Cupcake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cupmorango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["cupcake-chocolate"] = {["name"] = "cupcake-chocolate", ["label"] = "Chocolate Cupcake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cupchocolate.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["cupcake-limao"] = {["name"] = "cupcake-limao", ["label"] = "Lemon Cupcake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cuplimao.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["gelado-morango"] = {["name"] = "gelado-morango", ["label"] = "Strawberry Icecream", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "gemorango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["gelado-chocolate"] = {["name"] = "gelado-chocolate", ["label"] = "Chocolate Icecream", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "gechocolate.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["gelado-baunilha"] = {["name"] = "gelado-baunilha", ["label"] = "Vanilla Icecream", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "gemorango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["panqueca-nutela"] = {["name"] = "panqueca-nutela", ["label"] = "Nutella Pancake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "panutela.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["panqueca-oreo"] = {["name"] = "panqueca-oreo", ["label"] = "Oreo Pancake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "paoreo.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["waffle-nutela"] = {["name"] = "waffle-nutela", ["label"] = "Nutela Waffle", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "wnutela.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["pastel-frango"] = {["name"] = "pastel-frango", ["label"] = "Chicken Pastel", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pfrango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["muffin-chocolate"] = {["name"] = "muffin-chocolate", ["label"] = "Chocolate Muffin", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mufchocolate.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
-- Drinks & Shakes
["cafe-uwu"] = {["name"] = "cafe-uwu", ["label"] = "Café", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cafe.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["latte-uwu"] = {["name"] = "latte-uwu", ["label"] = "Latte", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "latte.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["bubble-amora"] = {["name"] = "bubble-amora", ["label"] = "Blackberry Bubble Tea", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "btamora.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["bubble-menta"] = {["name"] = "bubble-menta", ["label"] = "Mint Bubble Team", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "btmenta.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["bubble-morango"] = {["name"] = "bubble-morango", ["label"] = "Strawberry Bubble Tea", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "btmorango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["milkshake-morango"] = {["name"] = "milkshake-morango", ["label"] = "Strawberry Milkshake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "msmorango.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["milkshake-chocolate"] = {["name"] = "milkshake-chocolate", ["label"] = "Chocolate Milkshake", ["weight"] = 1000, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mschocolate.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
['uwu'] = {
label = 'UwU Cat Cafe',
defaultDuty = true,
offDutyPay = false,
grades = {
['0'] = {
name = 'Novice',
payment = 50
['1'] = {
name = 'Employee',
payment = 75
['2'] = {
name = 'Experienced',
payment = 100
['3'] = {
name = 'Advanced',
payment = 125
['4'] = {
name = 'Boss',
isboss = true,
payment = 150
["bubbletea"] = {"amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a", "idle_c", "", AnimationOptions = { Prop = 'apa_prop_cs_plastic_cup_01', PropBone = 28422, PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, EmoteLoop = true, EmoteMoving = true, }}, ["misosoup"] = {"amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a", "idle_c", "", AnimationOptions = { Prop = 'v_ret_247_noodle1', PropBone = 28422, PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, EmoteLoop = true, EmoteMoving = true, }}, ["uwusandy"] = {"mp_player_inteat@burger", "mp_player_int_eat_burger", "", AnimationOptions = { Prop = 'ng_proc_food_ornge1a', PropBone = 18905, PropPlacement = {0.13, 0.05, 0.02, -50.0, 16.0, 60.0}, EmoteMoving = true, }}, ["budhabowl"] = {"anim@scripted@island@special_peds@pavel@hs4_pavel_ig5_caviar_p1", "base_idle", "", AnimationOptions = { Prop = "prop_cs_bowl_01b", PropBone = 60309, PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0300, 0.0100, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, SecondProp = 'h4_prop_h4_caviar_spoon_01a', SecondPropBone = 28422, SecondPropPlacement = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}, EmoteLoop = true, EmoteMoving = true, } },
- qb-target - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-target
- qb-menu - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-menu
- qb-input - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-input
- dpemotes - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/dpemotes (For eat animations)
- qb-phone - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-phone (for billing recive)