A rake to collect all the leaves in the garden.
A helpful script to collect all repositories and packages that have a relationship to the dat-ecosystem and present them as .json files.
Run the dat-garden-rake like below:
$ dat-garden-rake [...options]
--force-restart ..... Force restarting the run
--skip-restart ...... Never restart the run
--retry ............. removes all errors from existing tasks
--help, -h .......... show this help
--out, -o ........... output folder (default=./out)
--state, -s ......... state folder (default=./state)
--cache ............. cache folder (default=./cache)
--prefer-cache ...... always use the cached data (recommended for development)
--blessed, -b ....... blessed file location (default=./blessed.json)
--concurrency, -x ... max concurrent processes (default=10)
--max-retries, -r ... how often to retry failed tasks (default=2)
--max-depth, -d ..... max depth of dependents to look up (default=5)
--quiet ............. minimal output only.
--skip-times ........ skip times in output (good for updating git data)
--out-mode .......... mode how the output should be written to a folder:
'history' (default) ... for creating a new folder and maintaining an index.json (good for dev)
'override' ............ to write the current version to the folder as-is (good for deploy)
--github ............ Github token, falls back to GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
--gitlab ............ Gitlab token, falls back to GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable
├─╴ index.mjs ................ Entry point, Kicks off the journey!
├─╴ blessed.json ............. Start-file containing all the projects we want to scrape
├─┬ bin
│ └─╴ dat-garden-rake ........ binary, contains all npm process dependencies
├─┬ cache .................... (git-ignored) defaut cached responses
│ └─╴ <level-db>
├─┬ lib
│ ├─╴ npm.mjs ................ Utils for different NPM-tasks
│ ├─╴ people.mjs ............. Utils for collecting people related to packages/repos
│ ├─╴ repo.mjs ............... Utils for different Repository-tasks
│ ├─╴ reduce.mjs ............. Reduce function to be used in the the finalize task
│ ├─╴ task-queue.mjs ......... [CORE] Multi-purpose, leveldb based task processor!
│ └─╴ util.mjs ............... general purpose functions that have no externalities
├─┬ out ...................... (git-ignored) default output responses
│ ├─╴ index.json ............. Lookup for the latest run and a history of previous runs.
│ │
│ └─┬ <start-time>
│ ├─╴ index.json ........... Information about the run (start, blessed input, etc.)
│ ├─╴ organizations.json ... All users/organizations found for projects (combined/normalized)
│ ├─╴ projects.json ........ All projects (repos or npm packages) found
│ │
│ ├─┬ raw
│ │ ├─╴ errors.json ........ Errors that occurred during the run
│ │ ├─╴ packages.json ...... NPM package related information collected during the run
│ │ ├─╴ people.json ........ Lookup table of organizations or individuals linked in packages/repos
│ │ └─╴ repos.json ......... Repository related information collected during the run
│ │
│ └─╴ valuenetwork.json .... Relationships between projects, other projects and organizations
├─┬ processor
│ ├─╴ index.mjs .............. Defines all the process-types
│ ├─╴ init.mjs ............... Init task that is run at the start of the journey!
│ ├─╴ finalize.mjs ........... Task run at the end of the journey. This is always run!
│ └─╴ <task>.mjs ............. Other tasks used during execution, linked in index.mjs
└─┬ state .................... (git-ignored) default state information for the current run
└─╴ <level-db>
- A
is started that will process tasks until no more task is left. The result of each task execution is written to thestate
and the result can add additional tasks! - If there is no
time stored in thestate
, the first taskprocessor/init.mjs
will be run. - If a task throws an error, the
will retry its execution. - If a task encounters a
will wait until the limit should be lifted. - Once no task is left to execute, the
task will be run. It will format the content ofstate
and write it to the output!
A task
is a very simple concept:
async process (api, task) {
return {
batch: [] // Data to be run against the level-db (should only contain put ops!)
And triggering at new task may simply look like:
batch: [
api.createTask({ type: 'task-type', /* ...other info */ })
But during scraping it is likely that we run into resources (repos/packages/people) that we have fetched or are currently in the process of fetching! 😳
To reduce (remove) duplicate scheduling and/or processing of tasks this code has
the concept of resourceTaskProcessor
For example person
(in processor/person.mjs
0 is a resourceTaskProcessor
You will find calls that look like:
batch: [
...person.createTask({ url: 'https://github.com/martinheidegger' })
what happens here is that the getTaskDef
identifies a key
for the task object.
Based on this key
... createTask
will look if there is already this resource stored at key
... if one resource is found an no task is returned []
... if no resource is found, it will look if there is another task already sheduled for this resource and only if not will return an Array with the created task!
A simplified taskProcessor
exists that does the same thing but is not bound
to a resource in the level-db; just an abstract key.
To collect all information on repositories/packages, multiple tasks may be run.
In order for the tasks to not collide, there is a key-format that gets combined
in the process/finalize.mjs
It combines level-db keys as follows:
const entries = [
{ key: 'foo', value: { base: 'value' } },
{ key: 'foo#bar', value: 'direct' },
{ key: 'foo#list+1', value: 'a' },
{ key: 'foo#list+2', value: 'b' }
const collected = collect(entries)
foo: {
base: 'value',
bar: 'direct',
baz: {
deep: 1,
deeper: 2
list: ['a', 'b']
It is in the responsibility of the developer to sanitize the fields 😰 Currently it does not support deep hierarchies!
You may be surprised at the complexity of this project. 😅 Here are some of the important things that explain it.
You can pause the run at any time without fearing data loss by simply stopping the command-line process! Restarting it without a special flag will resume! In order to do that every task will end with one level-db write operation!
Most API's have a rate limit! We attempt to not run into them, but if we do it will restart the tasks!
Trying to look up dependents of our projects is a very time consuming task where the tree is huge.
There are monorepos out there which can cause us to possibly have multiple packages per repository.
The API (particularly githubs API) can result in 404 relationships.
We currently trust the npm users to inform on their identity truthfully to create better links in the data structure. (This may need to be revised).