This repo is the artifact of:
This repo is organized as follow:
├─ RDMA/ (a C++ RDMA library)
├─ src/ (source code for NCL)
│ ├─ rdma/ (rdma related code)
│ ├─ (top level code for NCL library)
│ ├─ csl_config.h (configurations)
│ ├─ server.cpp (NCL replication peer code)
│ ├─ client.cpp (an example client that uses NCL internal api)
│ ├─ posix_client.cpp (an example client that uses POSIX api)
│ ├─ ...
├─ tst/ (some test code)
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd compute-side-log
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo ldconfig
For Mellanox NIC, use RDMA/
to install RDMA driver. You may change the exact version of MLNX_OFED to match your own operating system. See for detail.
For other RDMA NIC, please refer to vendor for installation instructions.
Zookeeper can be installed on any server that is accessible to all client and servers. You may install it on the client machine for convenience.
# install jvm if you haven't
sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jre-headless
# Download zookeeper binary
cd ..
tar -zxvf apache-zookeeper-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz
cd apache-zookeeper-3.6.3-bin
Edit zookeeper config
cd conf
cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
# Edit line 12 of zoo.cfg to
# dataDir=${PATH_TO_ZOOKEEPER_FOLDER}/zookeeper
cd ..
Start zookeeper
./bin/ start
cd ../compute-side-log
The RDMA configuration is automatically generated at compile time. In case you need to edit it,
edit RDMA/src/infinity/core/Configuration.h
// line 47: edit this to be the device name of your RNIC (can be obtained from `ifconfig`)
static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_NET_DEVICE = "enp0s31f6";
// line 49: edit this to be the hca_id of your IB device (can be obtained from `ibv_devinfo`)
static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_IB_DEVICE = "rxe_0"
// line 51: edit this to be the physical port number of IB device (can be obtained from `ibv_devinfo`)
static constexpr const uint16_t DEFAULT_IB_PHY_PORT = 1;
Edit src/csl-config.h
// line 7: edit this to be the ip address of the server running zookeeper (the previous step)
const std::string ZK_DEFAULT_HOST = "";
// line 10: edit this to be the number of replicas
const int DEFAULT_REP_FACTOR = 1;
// line 11: edit this to be the size (in bytes) of memory region to be registered for each file on each replica
const size_t MR_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 100;
cd compute-side-log
sudo cp src/csl.h /usr/include # install NCL header file
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
The binaries will be in ./build/src/
, which contains:
: The NCL libraryserver
: The NCL replication peerposix_client
: The example POSIX client
First, download, install deps, configure, and build NCL on all client and servers. You may also only build it on one machine, and mount the src code folder to all other machines via NFS. But zookeeper client library and gflags need to be installed on all machines
# after mounting
cd ${NCL_DIR}/zookeeper/zookeeper-client/zookeeper-client-c && sudo make install
sudo apt install -y libgflags-dev
sudo ldconfig
First start server process on every server machine, then run client process.
# start server process on every server machine. The number of server machines needed is specified in DEFAULT_REP_FACTOR in csl_config.h
# start client
./build/src/posix_client 128 w ./test.txt ncl
What the posix client does is to keep writing a fixed value (42 here) until the memory region is filled up.
The server process prints the first 128 bytes of each memory region every second. You should see it prints 128 '*' (ASCII code 42) in this test. Press Ctrl+C to exit the server process.
To make a file backed by NCL, just add the NCL flag O_CSL
when creating the file.
#include <csl.h>
int fd = open("test.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CSL, 0644);
The file should not have content in it. Currently NCL does not support backing a file that has existed content.
Developer should ensure that the file size will not exceed the configured MR_SIZE
. Typically, write-ahead-log files are small and have a configurable size limit.
Then preload the NCL library when running the process (assume NCL servers are already running on replication peers).
Near-Compute-Log is tested on the following platform:
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- NIC: Mellanox MT27710 Family ConnectX-4 Lx (25Gb RoCE)
- RDMA Driver: MLNX_OFED-5.4-