- Clone this Colour Opponency BioNet
- Clone the CIFAR-10G for generalisation testset.
- Clone the Ecoset If you encounter problems for download, you may try a direct download from CodeOcean's S3 bucket: "aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://codeocean-datasets/0ab003f4-ff2d-4de3-b4f8-b6e349c0e5e5/ecoset.zip ."
- Extract categories as CIFAR-10, create Ecoset-10.(could use this script)
├── bionet
│ ├── Introduction.ipynb
│ ├── OpponencyCifarVGG16.ipynb
│ ├── OpponencyCifarResnet.ipynb
│ ├── OpponencyEcosetVGG16.ipynb
│ ├── OpponencyEcosetResnet.ipynb
│ ├── ResNet.py
│ └── VGG.py
├── data
│ ├── CIFAR-10G
│ ├── ecoset
│ └── ecoset-cifar10
├── logs
├── models
├── results
├── scripts
└── README.md
Click here Introduction of the gabor filter
The main script to handle training and testing are 4 .ipynb files. in the ./bionet dictionary.
The general Colour Opponency GaborNet for VGG and Resnet are in file VGG.py and Resnet.py.
The saved model could be found in dictionary models