An ad-hoc mirror of blockchair's dash data for faster retrieval.
Source data:
This project does use a hard-coded directory. Sorry.
mkdir -p ~/Projects/Dash/
git clone ./dashblockchair
- Download new data (5m-10m per year)
- Edit the quartering file to include the latest
- Enjoy the quarter files, and the latest tab file
pushd ~/Projects/Dash/dashblockchair/
rm -rf ./gz/
git restore ./gz/
git pull
blockchair_dash_latest.txt # list of all files
./gz/ # all the gz files
./tsv/ # all the tsv (gz files unzipped)
blockchair_dash_blocks_20xx_qX.tsv # bundled quarters
blockchair_dash_blocks_latest.tsv # most recent daily file
To start from scratch and re-download everything:
rm -rf ./gz/
git status
If any files show up as modified, something went wrong.