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server routes

Hiten98 edited this page Apr 23, 2018 · 7 revisions
routes request result (will always contain status - a bool)
VERIFY-TOKEN token message
REFRESH-TOKEN token message, token
REGISTER email, password message
LOGIN email, password token, message
RESET-PASSWORD email, password message
contains 3 JSONs:
  1. currencies: has current values of all currencies
  2. volatility: has volatility of all currencies
  3. changes: last change in the currency
They all have the following Key:Value format:
<currency name>:<currency value>
GET-GRAPH-VALUES currency, token JSON
trade JSON of JSONs (you know about it kunal keygen) message
UPDATE-THINGS min, checkForCycles min, checkForCycles
VERIFY-TRADE token, currA, currB, amt status, message
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