- ✅ Show this data in a more complete format:
- Partial ✅ Be able to search and show summaries: by province, by City, same tabs as in the spreadsheet
- Show graphs of data across time.
- ✅ Grab web page data and store in DB.
- Summaries of web pages by OpenAI.
- Summarize ALL of the news articles for a particular record.
- ✅ Store in
PostgresSQLite. - ✅ Served by Cloudflare.
- ✅ Import spreadsheet via CSV.
- ✅ Use some of the new Golang patterns I've been learning.
- Add logger to config
- Add some debug logging
- Be able to insert fake data via curl.
- Redis: Make sure to add Record to list - so we can grab groups of them.
- Switch to spf13/cobra
- Split out the CLI.
- Be able to insert Faked data into Repository via CLI
- Had to turn off client side caching for miniredis tests - can we ONLY do that for tests?
- Redis Implementation of NewsStory
- Link NewsStory to Record
- Redis: Make sure to add NewsStory to list - so we can see groups of them.
- Import via line of CSV.
- Add GetAll() to interface.
- Create GetAll() service endpoint.
- Display GetAll() as simple table
- Move JSON enpoints to
- From / click to display individual records
- Display Record on the Web, with stories gotten from related keys.
- Remove flags from config - just set default config.
- Add flags as neccessary to cmd - then run the required
config func. - Allow actual files to be downloaded if there's no route.
- Better HTML templates - some sort of CSS framework.
- Prometheus endpoint for /metrics
- Includes for HTML headers and things?
- Need to deal with nullable booleans - there's lots of data we don't have.
- e.Use(middleware.RequestID())
- Super hacky: Be able to see different types of Records: firearms only, mass shooting only, OIC firearms only, licensed mass shootings
- Add totals to group pages?
- Add tests for Group pages - get test coverage back to +80%
- ACLs for /api/ endpoints - protected by JWT requirement.
- Dockerfile so we can run it in Docker.
- Docker Compose file
- Add autoTLS -
- Do we need a page cache? - added
- Too many Redis connections - need to close connections as much as possible.
- Import with TLS - needs to handle new ports and domain name and HTTPS
- For Records and News Stories - more efficient way to download them all at once when using Redis. Right now we're opening and closing a new connection for each one.
- Be able to enable / disable traces and profiling using flags.
- Monitoring for uptime.
- Add groups by Province and City?
- Be able to disabled caching by flag.
- SQLite Implementation of Record
- SQLite Implementation of NewsStory
- SQLite file creation if it doesn't exist.
- SQLite file migration if it isn't already done.
- Cross compile for Linux w/SQLite3?
- Deploy to domain name?
- Put Behind Cloudflare?
- Will need to run migrations later on - how do we do that? bin/ff migrate?
- SQLite stream to storage?
- Integrate News Stories with Web downloading.
- Get CRUD working for Record
- Get CRUD working for NewsStory
- Integrate News Stories with AI Summaries.
- Need some additional JWT work: actually check the claims - how to get them generated and asssigned to me?
- Postgres Implementation of Record
- Postgres Implementation of NewsStory
- skaffold + k8s files?
- Do I need to add some contexts to track requests?
- Add /healthz which tests for health of DB?
- Some sort of Analytics
- Integrate StatsCan homicide records.
- Add Feature Flag Interface - use in-memory / augmented by written file - -
- Better Groups/Tags interface.
- Make it actually be organized/designed?
- Add Search?
- Might need to do some more performance tuning once we have more traffic.