An automated Omeka virtual development environment. This setup will install Omeka 3.0.2 Classic onto Ubuntu 20 LTS on your computer in a contained Vagrant virtual environment.
This has been tested on Windows but should work on Mac OS X as well.
You first need to create a directory on your computer where the virtual machine and the Omeka project files will reside.
Download all the contents from the vagrant folder listed above and place them in the directory.
Create one additional folder called data. This folder will contain the files for your Omeka application.
- Install Vagrant
- Lauch a terminal window
- Navigate to the directory
- Type
vagrant up
and wait for the process to complete. It migth take a few minutes as it has to download Ubuntu and prepare the system in aa virtual environment. - Once the process is complete, type
vagrant ssh
- Type
cd work
- Type
ansible-playbook site.yml
Once the process is complete, you will have a complete Omeka installation on your computer which is contained within a Vagrant virtual instance. You can access the web application by opening a web browser and navigating to the URL
To shutdowm this vagrant instance when you are not using it
- Launch the terminal
- Navigate to the directory
- type
vagrant halt
To turn on this vagrant instance
- Launch the terminal
- Navigate to the directory
- type
vagrant up
To completely remove this vagrant instance
- Launch the terminal
- Navigate to the directory
- type
vagrant destroy
Follw the documentation of the Omeka project on how to further use the application work on your Digital Humanities research project