This repository contains the source code to develop and build a fully functional Chat app that runs in the console, using NodeJS, OpenAI and Repilcate.
I assume you are developing this project on a Microsoft Windows PC. A built-in Windows tool like notepad.exe is used in this project to create and edit files. If you are developing on Linux, you can use vim.
notepad .gitignore
On Linux:
vim .gitignore
You can also use a modern code editor like VSCode to follow along with this course.
You can clone this project and skip the step-by-step instructions to develop from scratch.
git clone
Change directory:
cd chatgpt-text-image-video-console-app
Initialze a local git repository:
git init
Install dependencies:
npm install
- node v18.15.0
- npm v9.5.0
- dotenv v16.0.3
- openai v3.2.1
- chalk v5.2.0
- ora v6.3.0
- replicate v0.9.0
- midjourney-client v1.0.8
On your Windows file system create a new project folder:
cd chatgpt-text-image-video-console-app
Run the app from the command line:
npm start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.